I was wondering if anyone could help me please.
I have noticed my Norton has stopped working and comes up with this error.
8504 104
This happened a little while ago and I was told it was because another anti virus was being used. As far as I'm aware I am not using another anti virus and I have cleaned up my computer as best I can.
I have an acer aspire 57387
I run Windows 7
My Norton is in date.
I anyone could please help I would really appreciate it!!
Thanks in advance.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Found out that it was an old version. So uninstalled and got the new one.
Working perfectly now.
Thanks for your help anyway.
I was wondering if anyone could help me please.
I have noticed my Norton has stopped working and comes up with this error.
8504 104
This happened a little while ago and I was told it was because another anti virus was being used. As far as I'm aware I am not using another anti virus and I have cleaned up my computer as best I can.
I have an acer aspire 57387
I run Windows 7
My Norton is in date.
I anyone could please help I would really appreciate it!!
Thanks in advance.
Look forward to hearing from you.