Norton 360 freezes up on windows 11


My norton 360 freezes up almost immediately when I open it. I am running windows 11. Customer Service can't seem to help me. I've used the norton NRnR numerous times. I've tried running as administrator as well as in compatibility mode. Nothing helps this problem. None of my applications are interfering with the program either. Windows and Norton are up-to-date. Please help! Any ideas? Thanks!

Thanks! I have tried this numerous times as well. No issues found.

i would run the auto fix ( help setting i think ) where you can get the about ( version info) get support option

not long ago it fixed a installation issue i had not sure if thats what you are facing but would run it and see what it finds

as for the rnr tool it an cause problems i found it best to use a downloader for the reinstall and not the rnr tool