I am running Norton 360 v on Windows 7. All of a sudden the desktop gadget that usually resides on the top right side of my display mysteriously disappeared. How do I get it back?
I am running Norton 360 v on Windows 7. All of a sudden the desktop gadget that usually resides on the top right side of my display mysteriously disappeared. How do I get it back?
gary526 wrote:I am running Norton 360 v on Windows 7. All of a sudden the desktop gadget that usually resides on the top right side of my display mysteriously disappeared. How do I get it back?
HI gary526
Welcome to the Norton |Community Forums
Right-click on your desktop and the click on Gadgets. Check to see if the Norton 360 Gadget is shown.
right click on your desktop, and select there Gadgets. On the opened list you should see the Norton gadget as well. If you found it, double click on it, and it should appear on the desktop.
Let us know how it goes.
I just tried that but the gadget is not listed...
Have you tried "Get more Gadgets Online" in the lower right corner of the page that lists the gadgets currently available?
Pressing that opens internet explorer and list other gadgets available for download...
Clcik on start and in the Searchprograms and files box, type in : restore desktop gadgets installed with windows, select it from the drop down list and see if that returns the Norton gadget to the choices
Unfortunately it doesn't!
It displays a message: there were no windows or administrator gadgets to restore.
And displays the nine original windows gadgets. The norton one is not there...
In c:\program files\windows sidebar\gadgets there is a norton.gadget folder and it is full of files...
How can I enable the gadgets manualy?
Can somebody help?
I do not use gadgets, but do have the icon in my system tray, so I can be alerted of changes (green check mark, red X, silent mode, etc). You can show hidden icons > Customize and set Symantec System Framework to "Show Icon and notifications". This will (hopefully) place the Norton Icon in the system tray.
The only other thing I can think of is an uninstall/reinstall. Be sure to save you Identity Sfae data if you are using it.
I uninstalled and reinstalled but no go! Maybe a system restore to a date before the date that the problem occured? I will try that and I will report!
KostasNK wrote:I uninstalled and reinstalled but no go! Maybe a system restore to a date before the date that the problem occured? I will try that and I will report!
If you are going to try a System Restore, Tamper Protection needs to be temorarily disabled to permit system Restore to work. Please remember to insure Tamper Protection is turned back on after the restore. Settings > Administrative Settings > Norton Tamper Protection under Product Security
KostasNK wrote:I uninstalled and reinstalled but no go! Maybe a system restore to a date before the date that the problem occured? I will try that and I will report!
Hi KostasNK
If you do a system restore then please make sure you run a manual liveupdate afterwards as you will have definitions etc that are out of date.
I did a system restore but the norton 360 gadget still now available...
Maybe I am not supposed to use it anymore...
I hope when v .5 comes out and I update it will be available again...
What version of Windows 7 are you running - 32 bit or 64 bit?
I an running Windows 7 64bit Ultimate.
It seems like you have tried the standard steps in attempting to restore the gadget.
After doing some searching I came up with this link.
Maybe you would want to give it a try, but first I would make a copy of Settings.ini
Ley us know how you do.
Migrate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine64\\Gadgets
Copy the file: Norton.Gadget
Migrate to: C:\Users\{user_name}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets
Paste the file: Norton.Gadgets
Migrate one level back to: C:\Users\{user_name}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar
Delete the file: Settings.ini
Migrate to: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Desktop Gadgets
Right click on Norton 360 to add the gadget.
There is no gadgets folder in any norton 360 v.4 subfolder.
The settings.ini file cannot be deleted. It is telling me that it is being used...
You have to manually shut down the settings.ini file by opening Windows Task Manager, selecting Windows Sidebar, and clicking the End Process button.
Do a search on your PC for gadget.* to find the Norton.Gadget folder.