Norton 360 no server support, bypass?

I cant install norton 360 on Windows 2008 R2 Server :(

As it doesnt support server OS,

I got it free from my student account and wanted to try it.

i dont need anything more than 360, i already use it from version 1.. anybody know a bypass for this?


Also it seems much more advanced than symantec end protection

Unfortunately, the consumer versions are not designed for servers.  N360 is not particularly adaptable.  It was designed as a set and forget software.  It does more things than the corporate editions, but not necessarily what you would want on a server.

i wont be using it as server..

i just would it use it as home computer..



It's the server operating system that it not compatible. 

i know that..

but it should be possible to bypass it since windows server 2008 R2 is using a windows 7 kernel and has some different services but itself is not much different, as you can make it fully working windows 7 with aero with enabling and do something with the files.,