Getting tired of Symantec avoiding its responsibilities to the non-IE user base. When encountering a N360 error with a numbered error code, xxxx yyyy, and logged in, HOW HARD IS IT TO NOT SIMPLY PUT UP THE EXPLANATION FOR THE FAILURE, ALONG WITH THE ERROR CODE?! IT'S SIMPLY ARCHAIC!
The latest problems with N360 on Firefox began just over a month ago when they changed there UI prompt for which login to use -- works fine under IE but not always for Firefox, yet the N360 forum dismisses the problem instead of solving it. FF 27.0,1 was released and working fine when N360 made their logon UI change.
Today, my Lenovo system checker has told me that my AV updates are a week out of date when they normally update daily, but when N360 failed to update, WHERE IS THE POPUP NOTIFICATION FROM NORTON?
NOW, I go through this SPECIAL download/install, run Live Update after the install and still no N360 toolbar on my Firefox browser or a clue from Norton and this forum topic as to how to fix it. When I have to contact Norton support at least three times a year for a fix, they are wasting my time and money! SO PLEASE NORTON, PROVIDE AN ANSWER TO THIS PROBLEM AND BE PROACTIVE IN PREVENTING FUTURE PROBLEMS!
[Edit: Clarified Subject]