Norton 360 premier backup and cloud storage

Is there a way to set cloud storage as a backup location? I do not see a way to do this when I try to run a backup. Thanks

dwt47 wrote:

Is there a way to set cloud storage as a backup location? I do not see a way to do this when I try to run a backup. Thanks


When you click on the 'where' tab while setting up a backup job what locations are available to you?


dwt47 wrote:

Is there a way to set cloud storage as a backup location? I do not see a way to do this when I try to run a backup. Thanks

Assuming you are not talking about the online storage that comes with N360 but some other cloud storage such as Skydrive, I think the only way to do that is if the cloud storage can be mapped as a local drive.

Yes , this is what I am trying to do and I don't know how . I am using Just Cloud to try to store the data but it does not show in my list of locations. Thanks for the reply

my hard drive, My norton sydrive which isn;t large enough and my cd drive. Thanks for the reply

dwt47 wrote:

Yes , this is what I am trying to do and I don't know how . I am using Just Cloud to try to store the data but it does not show in my list of locations. Thanks for the reply

I do not think that is possible with N360.Norton needs to see a drive attached to your computer, or its' own online backup.


According to their web site, JustCloud constantly backs up your files. 360 would be duplicating that effort.


This is what I thought too but just cloud is backing up 7gb and norton wants to back up 61gb

dwt47 wrote:

This is what I thought too but just cloud is backing up 7gb and norton wants to back up 61gb


360's rst backup will be a complete backup of the partition. After that it will do incremental backups. So, the first one will be a monster and after that they will be more reasonable in size, unless you are doing a lot of downloading and changing. I'm not sure what just cloud is trying to back up so I can't comment on the size of that files. I expect that it too uses a compression scheme so that may also be a factor in the file sizes.