Hello, I just rescently instaled Norton 360 about a week ago yet within the week norton seems to be force shutting down all 3 computes I've instaled it on randomly throughout the day. It seems that during the day Norton asked to turn off computers yet I've yet to find the reason why.
All 3 computers around 10am - 12pm PST wanted to shut down and there wasn't reason why. For one of them it seems to be almost a daily routine to randomly demand a shut down during the day.
I've went through all the settigs. The only major setting I have is that all 3 computers set to scan and turn off at around 7pm but otherwise standard settings are in place.
I may be overthinking this and that it may be just a software udpate but constantly asking for a force shut down is a bit odd and if it is a software update Is there any way to postpone it so it doesn't intefeare so muchy?
EDIT: It seems for one of the computers it wants to run the routine scan that wants a force shut down at a time drasticaly diffrent(10:30am or so compared to the 7pm I put in the settings) I haven't checked the other but I have a gut feeling that's the same issue. Is it trying to run that scan becuase it didn't run at the time I orginaly desgniated? Or would it be a time setting on the computer or Norton 360?
Hi Altoidman,
Make sure you have not set the options of the scans to shut down the computer on completion.
For manual scans:

For Scheduled Scans:

Hello, I just rescently instaled Norton 360 about a week ago yet within the week norton seems to be force shutting down all 3 computes I've instaled it on randomly throughout the day. It seems that during the day Norton asked to turn off computers yet I've yet to find the reason why.
All 3 computers around 10am - 12pm PST wanted to shut down and there wasn't reason why. For one of them it seems to be almost a daily routine to randomly demand a shut down during the day.
I've went through all the settigs. The only major setting I have is that all 3 computers set to scan and turn off at around 7pm but otherwise standard settings are in place.
I may be overthinking this and that it may be just a software udpate but constantly asking for a force shut down is a bit odd and if it is a software update Is there any way to postpone it so it doesn't intefeare so muchy?
EDIT: It seems for one of the computers it wants to run the routine scan that wants a force shut down at a time drasticaly diffrent(10:30am or so compared to the 7pm I put in the settings) I haven't checked the other but I have a gut feeling that's the same issue. Is it trying to run that scan becuase it didn't run at the time I orginaly desgniated? Or would it be a time setting on the computer or Norton 360?