Hi guys,
I have a Windows XP machine with SP 3 installed. I'm using Wirless LAN to connect to the Internet.
I used Norton 360 ever since with no problem (Happy customer for years).
Last Week it noticed me that Version 2.0 is available.
I downloaded the file: N360S200GE.exe file date: 2008-10-19
and started it to install the new version.
While setup I noticed that my Internet Connection had stopped (not sure, but I think this happened while Live Update got
When the setup procedure had finished I reboot the machine but Internet Connection still not available.
I can still see my own WLAN Network in the list of available Networks, but if I chose connect, entering my WLAN connection key
it connects to the WLAN-Router, next it trys to receive an TCP/IP Address and fails with this.
Several reboots didn't solve the problem.
So I thought, that Norton update must be buggy and deinstalled it via Windows Software Removal tool.
After reboot the problem continued - cannot log on to the Internet
I also contacted my ISP's support. They checked all the necessary settings and services needed for Internet and for them
everything seemed to be ok. I told them about the Norton issue and I was suggested to to use the Norton removal tool to remove all files and settings depending Norton 360....
I did ..... but problem continued
So I used the Windows System-Program System Recovery to set my system back to some days before I ran
the Norton update.....
Problem solved .... Internet Connection worked properly again, but Norton Program-Symbol not available on the taskbar. Task-manager shows LUALL.exe running.
So I decided to use the Norton removal tool again to remove any Norton files that might have been recovered by Windows.
Now with a "clean" system environment I wanted to Install Norton 360 V 2.0 again, hopefully that everything would work now
but - same procedure again - while setup Internet Connection stopped - and even after reboot I couldn't log on to the
Internet anymore.....
I removed Norton again, recovered the Windows system to the point before and Internet Connection is available again.
So now I'm really clueless on what I should do to get Norton 360 V 2.0 properly installed with (!!!) Internet Connection
available after install.
On the Norton Support Site it says you should disable Norton firewall .... but I think this can't be the solution since
I want to use whole product - firewall included.
I would appreciate any help that solves this issue....
I'm also on the point to change to a different Internet Security Vendor.....
Thanks for help in advance