Norton 360 V 2.0 upgrade setup causes permanent loss of Internet conectivity

Hi guys,


I have a Windows XP machine with SP 3 installed. I'm using Wirless LAN to connect to the Internet.


I used Norton 360 ever since with no problem (Happy customer for years).


Last Week it noticed me that Version 2.0 is available.


I downloaded the file: N360S200GE.exe              file date: 2008-10-19


and started it to install the new version.


While setup I noticed that my Internet Connection had stopped (not sure, but I think this happened while Live Update got



When the setup procedure had finished I reboot the machine but Internet Connection still not available.


I can still see my own WLAN Network in the list of available Networks, but if I chose connect, entering my WLAN connection key

it connects to the WLAN-Router, next it trys to receive an TCP/IP Address and fails with this.


Several reboots didn't solve the problem.


So I thought, that Norton update must be buggy and deinstalled it via Windows Software Removal tool.


After reboot the problem continued - cannot log on to the Internet 


I also contacted my ISP's support. They checked all the necessary settings and services needed for Internet and for them

everything seemed to be ok. I told them about the Norton issue and I was suggested to to use the Norton removal tool to remove all files and settings depending Norton 360....


I did ..... but problem continued


So I used the Windows System-Program System Recovery to set my system back to some days before I ran

the Norton update.....


Problem solved .... Internet Connection worked properly again, but Norton Program-Symbol not available on the taskbar. Task-manager shows LUALL.exe running.


So I decided to use the Norton removal tool again to remove any Norton files that might have been recovered by Windows.


Now with a "clean" system environment I wanted to Install Norton 360 V 2.0 again, hopefully that everything would work now


but - same procedure again - while setup Internet Connection stopped - and even after reboot I couldn't log on to the

Internet anymore.....


I removed Norton again, recovered the Windows system to the point before and Internet Connection is available again.


So now I'm really clueless on what I should do to get Norton 360 V 2.0 properly installed with (!!!) Internet Connection

available after install.


On the Norton Support Site it says you should disable Norton firewall .... but I think this can't be the solution since

I want to use whole product - firewall included.


I would appreciate any help that solves this issue....


I'm also on the point to change to a different Internet Security Vendor.....


Thanks for help in advance





hi…just asking…do you have any other internet security installed ?

Hi tanmx,


Originaly I had Zonealarm running, but while experiencing the problems described I also deinstalled Zonealarm.


Yesterday, when I tried to setup Norton again, there was no other Internet security software installed



Hi community,


this is the continuation of my previous post


Norton 360 V 2.0 upgrade setup causes permanent loss of Internet conectivity


After I restored to the system state before installation of Norton 360 V 2 (but after using the Uninstall and Norton

Removal tool)


Obviously I was wrong asuming, Norton removal tool had removed all the norton programs.


On the harddisc there are still some symantec related dictionaries (most of them empty - so the

removal tool removed at least some of the Norton 360 installation).


However, now I'm in another messed up state:


- Norton not running (no Symbol within the task bar) 

- Some Symantec files remained on the hard-disk

- ccSvcHost.exe Service is running

- Live Update seems to be starting at machine startup also and closes thereafter (even though I uninstalled it....)

- two msiexec.exe tasks are running after boot (but doing nothing ??) when I kill them they restart several times


I tried to setup a third party Internet Security product (McAffee) but while setup it finds the remaining portions of

Norton and asks to deinstall them first.


So I tried to use the Norton Removal tool again, but this time it seems not to work anymore - It starts and when I click setup button

it does the unzip, the service SymNrt.exe starts (is to be seen in task manager list) but seems doing nothing.... No CPU resources

used - nothing visible happens


Most important, I can logon to the Internet after boot, but after some minutes Internet connection gets killed again

(no error message or anything else, wireless adapter shows connected status, wireless connection software shows

status connected,  - but the browser simply doesn't gets through and shows "Site cannot be loaded"

 e.g. when I try to load


After reboot I can logon to the Internet again, but after some minutes it gets locked again 


Does anybody here know, where is the rub.....


What can I do to remain my Wireles Internet connection running after system boot?


Thanks for any help in advance



Sounds as if you might have bits of ZoneAlarm, Norton and MacAfee all hidden away somewhere.


I've been very impressed recently with the user-friendliness and effectiveness of a freeware utility Revo Uninstaller. It offers 4 modes of uninstalling all beginning correctly by running the uninstall module put in place by the program you want to uninstall, which is what Windows Remove Program also uses. I found Revo much quicker to load the list of applications which appear like the icons in Classic Control Panel using their own icon images.


In your case I don't know if it will do anything helpful when you have already run the program's uninstall module but it might be worth trying using the 4th uninstall mode that it offers that really went deep into the registry and also looked for loose files on the drive.


I like the way that the first thing it does is make a Restore Point so you can get back to where you were, at least as far as the registry is concerned -- I don't think a Restore Point puts back any files but I'm not clear about this.


PS -- A last minute thought -- you say you used the Norton Removal Tool. Did you download it specifically to do this job or did you have it laying around? <g> I ask because it is updated from time to time and it would be important to run the version that knows about N360 V2.

BTW -- Windows Secrets just reported that a current update to AVG V8 is breaking internet connections so it may be something triggered by a Windows update? 
Message Edited by huwyngr on 10-30-2008 06:01 PM
Message Edited by huwyngr on 10-30-2008 06:08 PM

Contact your ISP. It sounds like you are being blocked out. This happens. One person reported that they got ~6mb down when they first booted their computer, and couple hours later they are getting limited or no connectivity. There could be a reason, youve been pirating, overusage, etc.


You also may want to configure dynamic IP, so it gives you an unique IP everytime you start, so your ISP cannot block you out.



thanks a lot for responses....


huwyngr suggested to check for portions of ZoneAlarm....


Although I ran the ZoneAlarm deinstaller some parts remained active on my machine and maybe this was the

reason for the problems....


I removed those ZA programs and after this I was able to run the Norton Removal Tool properly. Now with a cleaned up

machine I could reinstall Norton 360 2.0 and everything seems to be ok now....


Thanks again, I really appreciate your help.

That is good to know -- thanks for the feedback.


Do have a look at Revo Uninstaller -- as I say I'm impressed with it and I don't normally accept third party tools that mess with the registry in the pretense of cleaning up! <s>