Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
I am not entirely clear and would ask for clarification please.
Your liveupdate is not working buit is everything else? Did you activate the product, how much time is left on subscription.
What operating system are you using and what release.
What is the version number of Norton (main window, help, about)
Clearly some of the answers you know yourself. Liveupdate does not take 15 hours normally. Something is clearly wrong.
Your relatives' computers take a few minutes and that is to be expected.
You should allow at least 15 minutes the first time after install. It depends how old the source is. You say you downloaded and installed Norton 360 v2. Is this the trial version or did you buy it?
the only thing not working is liveupdate, its an activated product with a cd key that is being used on TWO other computers. there is still about 180 days left. and operating system ? hp intel pentium 4 windows XP. i'd say year 2001-2002. version number is YES this WAS the trial version but it allowed me to have full version when i used my sister's cd key, it became full version i guess you can say. its able to download but never gets to installing it. the first time i installed it i left it overnight and that took 15 hours.. guess what.. that got me nowhere. it was still downloading when i woke up. i am sure i have norton 360 v.2
thanks goldman for the quick response.
Please follow
1. Go to control Panel, classic view, system
On general tab the system is listed. Please advise Windows XP home or professional or whatever else it says under system.
In particular I want to know if you are on sp1, sp2, or sp3.
2. Go to Norton Main Window. In top right, should be help & support. click this and drop down to "About Norton 36O".
We want the version please.
3. I would try resetting. Follow instructions in this link . I know you have not have the error message, but PIUPdate tool might work.
Also try the "run it now" tool in step 3 after step 2, it is different.
4. If this fails repeat 3, turning off in settings sym tamper protection first.
1. sp2
2. version that what it tells me when you ask me that
3. i will try that now and get back to you when it hopefully works or fail...
thanks again for the help goldman.
after doing what you told me to do, i have just 1 questions now.
1. how long does connecting to liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com takes?
I have had problems with Live Update not connecting and other issues, here is the work around I used to fix:
1. Go to Add/Remove Programs, and uninstall 'Symantec Live Update'.
2. Next, go here and download the latest version of Live Update.
3. Install Live Update.
4. Restart your computer.
5. Run Live Update, several times until no more updates are available, restart your computer if prompted.
Try this and see if it fixes your problem.
I would suggest when this is resolved that you upgrade to SP3 it is free and will be shown as a critical update if you go to WIndows Update.
The current version for Norton 360 v2 is so you are clearly not uptodate.
A liveupdate will depend on many factors like quality and speed of your connection, the speed of your processor, hard drive etc.
However, if you have waited more than 15 minutes it is probably not working. If you double click on your Local area connection you can monitor broadband traffic, if you think it should be downloading and there is no traffic movement then it probably is not working.
There are many reasons why this might be - for example your computer may have been infected and a virus is preventing uploads to av that would allow detectionl; your hosts file may have been infected and symantec liveupdate sites may be listed as local sites, or you Symantec Liveupdate is simply faulty in some way.
There are several other proposals that can be made to help you but lets take them one by one.
hi johna, thanks for replying to my problem. as of right now, i will try what you told me although.. i highly doubt it will not work . mainly because my norton live update takes forever to download everything it needs, and the way you said just keep running it until it finishes.. it never finishes even one download or update at all .. so i will see if it works either way. thanks again
hi goldman, thanks for replying again. i tried what you told me yesterday and it failed.. ALTHOUGH i did get my virus definitions up to dated, i found another way of doing that and for awhile i had a green check.. until this morning when my norton 360 told me to run a live update, i did and left it on for quite awhile.. it didnt work so i canceled it and been looking for some solutions. once after i get done with johna's solution, ill let you both know how it went.
and for the sp3 update your saying i should do it AFTER i get everything resolved ?
ok so when i tried your solution (johna), im stuck in downloading updates once again, i have no idea on how long one update should take so if you can, please let me know, from what i hear, it should take only 2-5 minutes.. but i'll wait alittle longer, its been 5 minutes so far. so we'll see.
and goldman, should i upgrade to sp3 asap or after i resolve the live update problems ?
You might try the following way to do a live update:
click on Start>run and type in LUALL see if that helps at all.
thanks for helping phil, sadly ive tried that and it doesnt help at all. it sticks at connecting to liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com or whatever and it stays like that for awhile… at one time i left it for 5-6 hours… and i canceled it in the end.
For the N360 v2 issue, can you send your LiveUpdate log file to NortonCommunity@Symantec.com.
To attach this file enter "%allusersprofile%\Symantec\LiveUpdate\log.liveupdate" in your email attachment browse window
So if I was not clear. I suggest you apply SP3 AFTER you have resolved your Norton issues. There is nothing in SP3 that I am aware of that affects Norton, so I am not proposing you update now. I need to read the other responses, and will then write again. There are other suggestions I can make, as I indicated earlier.
OK, back again. Please advise if you have or ever have loaded any Norton/Symantec product other than Norton 360.
For example have you loaded Winfax?
Goto control panel, symantec liveupdate. On the general tab, change express to interactive and try again. Also try luall after regular liveupdate. If you get any messages, kindly advise. If you can now see an issue you could not before, kindly advise.
If still no luck, return to the above Symantec control panel, and check each of the tabs Ftp; http and ISP and check first option on each; advise if this was not already set to first option.
Goto update cache, advise maximum and current cache.Remove all files from cache, apply and try again.
hi hunter, thanks for helping and i've tried what you suggested but it seems as if when i try attaching the file, it cannot be found? do you have any other ideas of me finding the file your looking for so i can go and send it in? thanks again
hi goldman, yes i have, ive installed quite a few norton products such as norton antivirus, norton systemworks, etc. but theyre are all deleted because i used the norton removal tool before installing norton 360 v2.
and when you say "Goto control panel, symantec liveupdate". what do you mean exactly? when i go to control panel, i dont see symantec liveupdate anywhere.
and what do you mean by running luall after regular update? i dont think ive ever had a regular update and yes. ive tried luall.. except it never connects. all it says is connecting to liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com or whatever and it stays like that for a few hours. any suggestions?
if you need any further information, please let me know and thanks again all who's helping me
Sorry I forget myself sometimes. Not everybody was brought up on Dos, Windows 3.1, win95, win98 etc.
OK goto control panel, (in left panel switch to classic view), select Symantec Liveupdate etc.
There are slightly different updates (the end result is the same I believe) but one provides more info than the other.
If you right click on the icon in the start bar, you can select check for updates, you can also update from the Main Norton Window etc.;
the other way is to type luall in the run command windows i.e. start, run, luall.
Lots of suggestions I'm sure.
I'm also sending you a Private Message, look out at the right at the top above this thread.
You will find the file for Hunter here
c:\Dcuments and settings\all users\application data\symantec\liveupdate
BTW, if you are ever in need to find a file, just use search from Start, all programs.
Hi again Newlie2308.
Do you have any other Norton programs installed at the moment?
This is what I would suggest you do now if all of the above have failed, and I would presume that most of the online techs would go down this road at this point before doing any further in depth trouble shooting.
Uninstall your N360 product by using the Norton Removal Tool. Follow all instructions, and make sure you keep your Product Key handy. Note that you will lose any other Norton products you have installed at the same time, and these will have to be reinstalled, if any.
Next reinstall N360.
After this try running Live Update again, if you are on DSL which I think you said, Live Update should not take any longer than about 5 mins, depending on your connection speed.
Let us know how you go.
Edit: Here are a couple of threads on here relating to Live Update with suggestions, although not relating to N360, are involved with he LU process. Link Link.
You may also wish to review the following post:
We're still testing a bit with the available workaround, which is not available to everyone yet. Please see this thread for information on testing the workaround for us. Thanks!