Norton 360 (V. Backup program is horrible...

I've been using Norton for some time now and started using Norton 360 to perform local backups to my external HD. The other day, it kept giving me errors that it can't find destination harddrive, even though the drive letter hasn't changed. I decided to delete my backup from within Norton 360, in backup settings and manage backups. My backup is about 349 GB and consists of 113,000 files. The deletion process has now been running for 2 days and has only deleted 4,000 of 113,000 files. This is a joke and not worth using. I think I'll use alternative backup methods. For some reason, a version or two ago, the backup system in Norton didn't seem all that bad. It seems with version 5 and now 6, it's progressively has gotten worse. 


Norton 360 backup erase status.jpg