Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Have you looked at Norton Internet Security 2008 which is much more designed for people who want to tweak and tune their settings?
I'm not saying that there are not bugs in N360 but it is designed for the user who either does not know what to set or does not want to take the trouble to do so.
Horses for courses ......
Hey huwyngr,
Yes of course I looked at taht one and know also everything about NIS2008!
The major problem with Norton 360 v2.0 is that background scans starts at the craziest moments and disk activity/cpu takes so much of the computer that working on it is almost impossible. Secondly there is no possible to stop the background scan once it is started. Well you can but that is reboot your computer and is definitely not the way for convenient working. Symantec trust on a piece of programming which looks for idle times on the computer and then should start the background scans but the this piece of programming does not work correctly. At least not on most computers so that is why I ask if they could put it in the Task Scheduler screen. It is easy and a solution and everybody is happy and not ennoyed!
Hi Leon2u
Totally Agree With You!
I've had to uninstall Norton 360 v 2 because I had the dreaded : Symantec Service Framework Stopped Working
But even if I could have got Norton 360 v 2 to work on my computer, for longer than a few days....
The Background Scans were a nightmare
Once that silly little icon pops up in the top left corner of the screen...
You know it's not going to go away until you leave the computer alone so it can scan.
I spent more time waiting for my computer to scan than using my computer
In fact .... I started to wonder who owned the computer - Me or Norton!
I was also getting Full Background Scans starting while I was actually using Norton for other things like Clean Up
And the results of my Background Full Scans were - No Way Normal!
LOOK : http://community.norton.com/norton/board/message?board.id=other&thread.id=835
Symantec should have left the Background Scans exactly how they were in Norton 360 v 1
Quick Scans in the background - I didn't even notice happening!
Then I used to manually run a Full Scan every Sunday while we were eating our Sunday Dinner.
With Norton 360 v 2 .... My computer was all scanned out by Sunday!
What is the point of scheduling any scans with Norton 360 v 2 ... When it already scans at least 6 times a week
Symantec have really messed up with Norton 360 v 2
Great Ideas!
But Symantec .... You Rushed It!
Hey Zana,
Thanks for your mail and I think Symantec can easy fix this soon if they want.
I am a kind of undercover software tester for large ict sites here in the Netherlands and you can believe me that one of these days there will be an announcement/article who will inform many people about this bug. So let's see how fast Symantec can fix this bug or if they want to have negative publicity on two of the largest sites with at least 500,000 visitors each month! They sites are doing tests and research on this bug before they publish.
Anyway, the thing I do not understand is why they programmed something in Norton 360 what continously is looking for idle time on your pc and then start background scans! It is ridiculous! Why? First of all you have a good firewall so not anyone can come in, then you have auto protection and then you can schedule your own scans on a daily base when you are going to bed...so why in the hell program something stupid which looks for idle times and do a quick scan if so. They better could have build in an advanced scheduler to set up 3 scan times daily by the user. So the user can set up her/his own best schedule on times they know they will not be behind their computer.
Leon2u wrote:Hey huwyngr,
Yes of course I looked at taht one and know also everything about NIS2008!
Then of course you know that you have a choice ...... <s>
The major problem with Norton 360 v2.0 is that background scans starts at the craziest moments and disk activity/cpu takes so much of the computer that working on it is almost impossible.
My understanding is that it starts when you aren't doing anything and stops when you do start something but I've not monitored it.
I'm sure that Norton will pay attention to your comments -- I'm very impressed with their presence and activities here and I've been doing on-line computer support in forums for longer than I care to remember <s>
I'm sorry for the problems you've been having with Norton 360 v2. What are the specs of your laptop? Which operating system are you using, and which other software is installed on the laptop that might also impact system performance?
In Norton 360 v2, which setting do you have PC Security & PC Tuneup Schedule set to? Automatic? Manual? Weekly? I apologize if you've already seen these options, I'm trying to get a better idea of what steps you've already taken and which options you've exhausted. Thank you for your patience.
Hello Tony,
I tested on several machines (laptop/standalone) (Vista/XP) with Windows Defender on it or without Windows Defender on it or not running other software in the background. In Norton I have set every option from automatic, to manual and so on. I even tested to just do several manual scans (quick and full) on times to see if that would change the working of the quickscans. Uninstalled with Norton's software to remove then clean installed again. Nothing helped, it just starts even if I am busy working on computers, it just drops in the middle now that I am typing you with message that it starts background scan. The worst thing of it that one is that I can not control it to stop when I want! Now I have to wait when scanning is complete or reboot my computer to stop scanning! Even the Norton 360 widget keeps tellling me that my computer is idle but hell I am typing with you! So how can my computer be idle??? Just started up some programs, closed them again and still my computer is in idle says your monitoring widget?!?!??! See picture here:
Is it that hard to give users a fix to disable background scanning through the PC Security & Tuneup Schedule to build in the option to also exclude virus and spyware scans? I can exclude all scans from running in the background in this screen but not the virus and spyware scans.
Well hope there will be a solution soon before more customers will complain and more and more site will spread the bad news about and reading already in here and on some other forums that people have removed Norton from their system it looks like my it is bad news.
Our team has resolved the issue in an upcoming Norton 360 v2 update. I will let you know when the update is released; please let me know if this fixes the problem for you. Thanks!
Hello Tony,
Thanks for your reply and could you let us/me know here in the forum when the update will be available through liveupdate?!? For now I figured out a workaround so that I could cancel the complete virus and spyware background scan. This has to be done everytime manually so it is not really great but worked for now.
So hope the update will be there soon and of course I will let you know if this fixed things!
Thanks for everyones efforts in the Symantec Team to fix this...
Thanks Tony!
I have the same problem as Leon2u. PC Security and Tuneup schedule is set to manual, but Virus and Spyware scan runs twice a day (full and quick scan), even the computer is not idle.
Leon2u, could you please post the workaround, i can't figure no way to manually stop the background scan once it's running.
Hello Janne,
Well this only works for the full background scan and not with the quick background scan!
If you know when your full background scan starts (in my case it starts almost at the same time) then go the main screen of Norton 360 and go with your mouse over PC Protection (I have dutch version so text can be different because I translate it) and from the menu that drops when you go over it choose Run scans. From the next screen choose Let me choose, then disable all but Virus and spyware scan and press the start button. Now the Virus and spyware screen will appear and will drop in the middle of scanning and mention that is has scanned already a x-amount of files. Press cancel and your full background scan will stop.
I hope the fix will be out soon so everything works normal again but till now my LiveUpdate did not mention a new fix. So I hope Tony from Symantec will let us know where to get the fix as soon as it is ready.
My version is now updated to I suppose the scheduling problem is solved.
I have not heared anything from Tony so it could be another update.
If it is the fix then I have news because my full scan just started on it's own again a few minutes ago! My computer has not been rebooted yet because it was in sleep mode so the update could be applied by itself in Vista. Will restart with a clean boot and cross my fingers it works, if it is the fix of course about which Tony spoke. Maybe there also could be an issue when computers are going into sleep mode or if they write the current status to cache on disk and shut off. Maybe the software sees it as fact that the computer is idle for a long time if you startup again and start in the last status known.
Hey Tony:
I need the same help the others in this site are asking for. I run CAD software which are memory hogs and they can't function with any effeceincy while N360 is doing the daily scans. I'm running version and apparently the problem isn't solved yet. I'm falling behind in my work load because the system can't handle all the memory demands. When will an update be released?
Hello - I'm also having this same problem and have been fighting with the remote support people for the entire month of May. I've documented all of their attempts which have yielded no results. I've kept a log of all the Chat sessions dialog up to today when the technician decided he had had enough, closed the chat window and rebooted my machine. What a jerk.
My version is 360 V2 - which is the latest version based on the Automatic Updates information and I don't have any addon packs from Norton which might "enhance" my experiance with 360.
Basically, the tech will move com services and Symantec services from Manual to Automatic which they assure me will fix the problem but it doesn't help. Then the next day, a different technician will move those same services back from Automatic to Manual and swear it will fix the issue but it doesn't. I've written two complaint letters with no response back from either one.
I upgraded to 360 as it was only $10 dollars more but I've very, very sorry that I made that decision. I would remove the software and buy something else but the only removal program available to me removes not only 360 but all/any other Norton products. I use Ghost and it was hell setting it up so don't want to lose it now over this problem.
Help would be appreciated very much. Or at least tell me how I can get to a higher level of support to discuss this with.
Quad Core Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
4 Gig mem
500 G HD
[edit: Removed case number from public message, we do still have it attached here, just not visible.]
Vejdin wrote:
My version is now updated to I suppose the scheduling problem is solved.
You are correct; this fix is in the recent update for Norton 360. I apologize for the delay as I was getting confirmation that the fix was implemented in this update. Thanks!
Hi, Thats really unfortunate because as you can see by others in this string who have installed and we still have the problem. I've escalated this to a higher level of support so hopefully they can add something to the discussion.
Hey Hodaris,
Please try to run LiveUpdate several times and install all downloads then when LiveUpdate says your system has all updates then reboot. After the update to there were some other updates which probably were nescessary too. Then leave your computer on for one night or two nights so that Norton 360 will see that then your computer is total idle and will do it's scans. I had troubles also but after all updates and leaving the pc on for one night, I have till this moment not have any sudden scans anymore.
If for some reason this week all things will drop back to the old situation then I will let you know here and if after one week everyting still works like it should I will let everyone know too. For this moment for me it looks like the problem has been solved but I will let all know in one week.