Norton 360 v2.0 Problems

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.



If you are still having trouble with your online backup quota used and some conflicting backup sets between v1 and v2, and you would like some assistance in getting those particular problems taken care of, feel free to send me a PM and I will help you get that resolved. Hope you have had some luck addressing some of the other issues.



Hi, to answer your questions:


Windows Vista Ultimate SP1

1 HDD 200GB in 2 partitions 25GB and the rest


My computer just locks up no mouse, keyboard, the only way to get it to react was to hold the power button until it shuts down, no error message or BSOD, it happened when running manual scans, or when idle, the scren saver just froze. Also while playing games (assassin's Creed, Crysis and World of Warcraft)


I do not have any other security software installed, I also performed tests reformating the computer, installing only the dell supplied drivers, and norton 360, with the same results.


Thanks for your reply, hope we can find a solution to this problem



Any new info on the problems reported?

Hi Draiken,


Please check your Private Messages, the envelope in the upper right-hand corner of the forums (), for follow-up information about this issue. Thanks!

Tony, I'm sorry, probably deleted the PM... could you send me the info again?


Thanks in advance

I believe another Symantec Employee sent you information. Did you receive any other correspondence?

Yes,  I received some information from Scott Moen regarding my Online Storage problems, but nothing regarding the problems with my XPS M1730, I´ve been using v1.0 for a couple of months without any issues.


I'm about to purchase a second HDD for the laptop to set it up in RAID config. Maybe when I do that I'll give v2.0 a chance again.


Is there a changelog or a version update document to check the bug fixes to see if any of them apply to my issues?


Thanks in advance

draiken,  the issues you are having with your system freezing up completely (hardware…not software freeze) sound exactly like the problems I used to have on my dell.  They didn’t go away till Dell swapped out my motherboard (and video card twice).  Try running Dell diagnostic on your system.  Full diagnostic, specifically video card and ram…sometimes it’s just the way the software is using parts of your hardware that causes it to freeze rather than the software itself.


Thank you will do that this week and post my results

Lando, thanks a lot for your comments, I've spent about 2 hours running all the scans from my Dell CD on my laptop. found no issues with any of the components.


I don't think it's a hardware issue, since I had the problems I reformated the laptop and installed everything again, and am running 360 v1.0 with no problems.


Any other ideas?

Hi all


I had Norton 360 v1.0 installed on my Dell XPS M1730 and decided to upgrade to v2.0


Ever since the upgrade my computer crashes or freezes without warning. There are no error messages, memory dumps or any info regarding the problems. Tried clen installing v2.0, only to get the same results.


I contacted Tech Support and had a technician connected remotely to my computer for 2 and a half days, trying to fix the issues, booting the computer in safe mode, scanning, freeze.

Disabling UAC, rebooting, scanning, freeze. Rinse and repeat


Finally I decided to reformat and go back to v1.0 only to find my online storage reduced to 500MB, and no way to delete the old backups v2.0 made.


I assume my problem is regarding a driver issue or incompatibility with the services v2.0 installs, but symantec has not given me a clear answer or solution to my problem.


It is a shame all the effort symantec has put into fixing their consumer products goes only half way, and tech support is terrible, even with the good tools they have to connect to your pc and fix it remotely, the techs only do certain things and then leave you hanging, and when you show some expertise and suggest fixes, they apparently don't know what a driver issue or version conflict is, eventually leaving your computer more broken than it was already.


Hope someone looks into this issues and gives us some information on future fixes



If you've formatted your system clean and now see no issues, I would say that you're at a prime time to use N360v2 without issues at this point.  If you see further issues with N360v2, we can troubleshoot further as necessary (worst case scenario, it's not tough to get back to N360v1 if need be).

Message Edited by NateR on 07-30-2008 10:41 PM

I'm about to buy a second Hard Drive for the system, and will set it up in RAID0, which means I will have to rebuild from scratch.


I will do what you suggest, setup Windows, drivers and patches, and give 2.0 a try.


Thanks, Will keep you posted

I apologize for the problems you've experienced. In order to determine the cause of the issue, we will need a bit more information about your system, the operating system and service pack, number of disks and partitions, and information about the problem itself. That would include what you're doing when the crash or freeze occurs.


To clarify what's happening, does your system present a Blue Screen error, does Norton 360 or Windows display an error message screen, or does the system lock up and you are unable to move the mouse or type with the keyboard? Also, other software installed on your system can be a factor in this case. Please let us know if you have any other security software running at the time, or other software that you think might be conflicting with Norton 360. Also, does this crash/freeze occur when you do the same thing every time, or does it occur when performing any task?


I am sorry for the questions; I want to be sure we have as much information as possible to help resolve this issue for you. Thanks!