Since I upgraded to Norton 360 v2.4.0.4 few days back from NIS 2008 on my desktop (and one of my laptops) running XP SP3 (and Vista), I am having problems with many programs, specially IE7 (which subsequently I upgraded to IE8 Beta for same result).
Essentialy, the programs are NOT terminating even after I close them and leaving a hung copy that continue to chew up plenty of memory. IE, specifically, refuses to work! Mozzila and Chrome are working allright so far; unfortunately for some applications I need the IE to work.
Not until I stumbled on some Google search, I realized it could be the problem of this version of Norton 360 product. I did not have this problem with NIS 2008, nor after I installed SP3 on XP but only after I upgraded to 360.
Can any one here confirm this to be a product bug and if so, any solution roadmap?
On a different but related note, I moved to 360 on my subscription expiry of NIS 2008; so if this has no fix yet, any recommended recourse you can suggest will be very helpful.
The 360 installation process identified and removed NIS2008 itself.
To add to my earlier email I also found on the forum an old thread with the same problem and a reco for uninstalling an unnecessary dll that seems to be causing the problem.
Late last night I followed that instruction that got rid of the problem EXCEPT for IE and ccSvcHst. For whatever reason and coincidence, both this programs launch two tasks simultaneously when I run them; i.e., if I open IE, I see two iexplore tasks launched now and I keep getting a message "Your browser is not set to detect fraudulent Web sites or to authenticate genuine Web sites", giving me an option to FIX; even after I click on FIX, I will continue to get this message. Many of my URLs that used to work perfectly with NIS2008 now crashes indicating DEP detection of mallicious code trying to access system memory! Strangely DEP was on prior to 360 upgrade as well but never received this DEP detection message then and these URL works fine on my other laptop that has same XP SP3 with DEP turned on BUT NIS2008!! It also works fine on my office laptop that has XP SP3 and TrendMicro installed!!
So I have to narrow the cause down to the 360 upgrade.
I'm sorry to learn of the troubles Norton 360 is giving you with IE crashes. Given the basics of your configuration, XP w/SP3, and assuming that there are no other outside influences, I believe that the most likely cause of the problem is with the overinstall of 2008 with 360. There are extensive dependencies on MSI that are sometimes broken during this process and can result in an improper installation.
As Johna suggested, the best place to start at this point would be with a complete removal of the program using the Norton Removal Tool. Make sure you have your product key handy and that you have used the backup utility if you have performed any backups.
Let us know if that fails to resolve the problem and we'll dig into it from there.
I'm sorry to learn of the troubles Norton 360 is giving you with IE crashes. Given the basics of your configuration, XP w/SP3, and assuming that there are no other outside influences, I believe that the most likely cause of the problem is with the overinstall of 2008 with 360. There are extensive dependencies on MSI that are sometimes broken during this process and can result in an improper installation.
As Johna suggested, the best place to start at this point would be with a complete removal of the program using the Norton Removal Tool. Make sure you have your product key handy and that you have used the backup utility if you have performed any backups.
Let us know if that fails to resolve the problem and we'll dig into it from there.
I removed Norton 360 V2 with the Norton Removal Tool and reinstalled Norton 360 V2.
I'm still exeriencing hangs in Internet Explorer 7 [Version: 7.05730.11] whenever I exit the browser.
I'm sorry to learn of the problems
you've been experiencing with Norton 360 V2. In looking at the description of your and tapas23's issue, I don't think fits into the problems we were exploring previously (the hang of IE was not part of the earlier symptom's). Just to ensure that we're not talking about an environmental issue, can you test against IE with no add-ons? You can do this by navigating to the System Tools (Start / Programs / Accessories / System Tools / Internet Explorer (No Add-Ons). This would give us a good base line to establish if the problem is part of the core program or part of our BHO.
On the problem you experienced in searching the web, we are currently experiencing indexing problems on the web. The content you are looking for does exist, but you would need to access it through One Click Support. This can be accessed right through the product by clicking on Help & Support / Support. I apologize for the inconvenience.
I notice that the "ccSvcHst / zombie process" problem has a long history and has been hanging around for a long time.
I also discovered that when I do a search in the > Support >Norton 360 2.0 database on the term "ccSvcHst", I get the following result:
"Our search engine was unable to find any pages related to ccSvcHst. "
This to me is incredible
The Symantec/Norton support organization DOESN'T KNOW that there is a problem with ccSvcHst?
Who do I talk to? How do I make Symantec/Norton aware of the fact that at least one user (ME!) is having a problem with ccSvcHst?
I agree that is peculiar. If you perform the same search, and type ccSvcHst in the search field in the top right hand corner of pages, you will find plenty of results.
Maybe an employee can shed some light on this, it does appear to be some sort of a bug or problem.
The result set from even the global site search dialog is more limited than what you will see through One Click Support. We're working on resolving that now, but in the meantime, I'm recommending that search in One Click Support is the only way to get a comprehensive result list.
When I first tried that one click search I was astonished at how effective it was in digging stuff up and displaying information immediately instead of listing practically everything that had just one word in it and then having to keep on refining and reading.