10/May/2010 pm (evening), no Pulse Updates for about an hour.
Shut the PC down for the night.
11/May/2010 am (breakfast), Pulse Updates arriving at regular intervals.
Ok, in London Town. AK
What photo762 is seeing is not happening here. The machine here with Norton 360 version 3.8 took its last liveupdates about 17 hours ago. I just tried a manual attempt again and the message said, "The update was cancelled". Even worse, going through the links in Norton 360 in Help to reach One Click Support went as far as "Checking Norton 360", and stayed stuck in that part of the process.... for more than 25 minutes. No automatic liveupdates; no manual liveupdates; no progress in reaching One Click Support. Bad! BAD!!
Are some people able to get their liveupdates but others (than myself) not able to still?
Hello g_cafe_c
If you have a current license and if your computer meets the minimum requirements, you can upgrade to version 4.1 for free. Live updates and pulse updates are working fine here.
floplot, in reference to message 23, I am not authorized to upgrade the version 3.8 to the version 4.1; and the version upgrading should be unimportant to the problem I have been finding here. Recall, I found that the computers here which use N360 version 2 with Vista took definitions updates only about 5 hours ago with no problem; but that the computer using version 3.8 showed a message, "definition updates were cancelled".
New information about what I find here: I restarted the comuter about 5 hours ago, and just stayed away from it for a while/few minutes.... I allowed it then to go into its quiet or sleeping condition. I woke the computer from its sleep, and opened Norton 360 version 3.8, and the message on the bottom said, "Definitions update 3 hours ago"; interesting to see that message since "3 hours ago" the computer was in its sleeping state. Also, I find a message next to the Windows task bar, "Norton 360 is currently performing background tasks." I can't really know which tasks these are - scanning or definition updating - but this message has been appearing for the last 4 hours (which also makes me wonder how this background tasking could have been continuing while the computer was in the sleep state).
Maybe more posting about this later or in a few minutes.
I just checked again Norton 360 version 3.8, and I find there is a main screen message, "Definitions Update 1 minute ago". So this must be good. Maybe the ReStart of the computer did the trick? (And the "...background tasks" message above the taskbar is still showing).
Hello g_cafe_c
The message that says performing background tasks could be the idle full system scan which will occur when your computer is idle. When you start using your computer again, the idle full system scan will stop and then continue again when it is idle again. If you have a lot of files and if it is interrupted a lot, it could take some time to complete. When the idle scan gets interrupted, it will continue at the point where it left off.
If you can show a screen shot of this notice, we would have more of an idea as to what is going on. You can add a picture by using the little tree symbol 2 items away from the smilie.
floplot, you seem to have missed the editing of my posting 33 in this thread. Several hours ago, I ReStarted the computer which uses Norton 360 version 3.8, and upon just leaving it alone and checking back several minutes later, the "background tasks" were occurring; about 5 hours later, I found that background tasks were still occurring, and when I opened the main window of Norton 360, the message about last updates was "3 hours ago", instead of "18 hours ago". Further, later observations of the main screen update message indicate counts of minutes or seconds most of the time. (As of right now, "Definitions Update 1 minute ago"; so this is good.).
In other words, this computer is now receiving up-to-the-minute updates automatically.
This is the problem I keep having. The console shows that i've been updated, but when i try to run a manual update, it takes about 20 minutes of "checking for updates" and then i get the below error
In the LiveUpdate Summary page, under Norton 2010 Virus Definitions, click Tech Support. Let us know the error message it shows.
Hello g_cafe_c
Also, I find a message next to the Windows task bar, "Norton 360 is currently performing background tasks." I can't really know which tasks these are - scanning or definition updating - but this message has been appearing for the last 4 hours (which also makes me wonder how this background tasking could have been continuing while the computer was in the sleep state)
You were also commenting in your post about the background tasks being done for hours. That was what I was commenting about, not about you receiving antivirus definition updates.. Since you had left your computer for several minutes, the Idle Full System Scan had started. When it is interrupted, it will stop and then start again when it is idle again. It can take several hours to complete if there are many files or many interruptions.
Here is my log file. Thanks!