Norton 360 v4 removed my PRO Advanced SystemCare

Hi all,


When I install this program, it uninstalled my paid Advanced SystemCare. said there is incompatibility issues. Can anyone explain it more clearly to me. I love Advanced SystemCare. It really care my computer. and i want it back.


in a previous post a Symantec Empoyee (names in red) mentioned that they are working to solve this compatibility issue. This error comes because both uses real time scanning for spyware, defrag, etc. and because of this they can detect each other as threats, or have any other errors.

If you whish to continue use Advanced SystemCare Pro, I suggest you to turn of it's automated scannings, and use it manually.

Hi PapauZ,


Thank you for your information. I will try that later. But I think they are different products as Advanced Systemcare is mainly a system optimization program.

I installed my Advanced SystemCare pro finally. I run both programs but to see no incompatibility issues with Norton 360 real time-protection enabled. Advanced Systemcare doesn't have a real time protection at all. I only enabled its automated care function. This is very wired. So what's the condition now?

It has some kind a malware remover in it, and that will be one of the problems. The other is the same functionality Norton 360 has: defragmenter, and registry clean up. When both run in the same time, that can cause errors, slowdown...

 I have been using Advanced Systemcare 3 Pro for newly 2 years, it’s a system optimization program and it’s not a security program and it doesn't have a real time protection at all!

I had to reinstallAdvanced SystemCare 3 after it has been removed by Norton 360 Version 4.0 and i did not find any conflict between these 2 programs after running it.  The incompatible error  message from Norton 360 Version 4.0 has caused me a lot of trouble! So frustrated!


i am using Norton 360.3. until today without a problem. Today i got the upgrade for 360.4.
During install i got the message that Advanced System Care Pro ver. 3.5.0 is not compatible and that i had to uninstall this product. 


absolutely NO. Advanced System Cate Pro is the program which really care my old computer and make it run charmly. Why you want to uninstall my favorite program.


And why your Norton 360.3 can work with  Advanced System Care, but 360.4 can not?


i am not satisfied with the reason "It has some kind a malware remover in it, and that will be one of the problems. The other is the same functionality Norton 360 has: defragmenter, and registry clean up. When both run in the same time, that can cause errors, slowdown..."


Did you mean Norton 360.4 has these same functions with Advanced System Care, so it uninstall its competitor. I can not accept this!!!!!!!!


smith wrote:


i am using Norton 360.3. until today without a problem. Today i got the upgrade for 360.4.
During install i got the message that Advanced System Care Pro ver. 3.5.0 is not compatible and that i had to uninstall this product. 


absolutely NO. Advanced System Cate Pro is the program which really care my old computer and make it run charmly. Why you want to uninstall my favorite program.


And why your Norton 360.3 can work with  Advanced System Care, but 360.4 can not?


i am not satisfied with the reason "It has some kind a malware remover in it, and that will be one of the problems. The other is the same functionality Norton 360 has: defragmenter, and registry clean up. When both run in the same time, that can cause errors, slowdown..."


Did you mean Norton 360.4 has these same functions with Advanced System Care, so it uninstall its competitor. I can not accept this!!!!!!!!



Norton 360 4.0 has more advanced features, and it is possible that it has some parts that has the same functionality like ASC Pro, and when they run together the same time, it can cause troubles. It is the same situation why you do not install two sucurity suites/AV/firewall program.


If you want to use ASC Pro, turn off Norton's Tune-up parts (by the scheduling deselect them), this way the system tools will not conflict, now the only weak point is the malware scan of ASC. At first leave it on, if you notice anything strange, try to disable that part of ASC, and check the system's behavior.


An other info: Norton is working on the fix, please be a little patient, until that try the configurations I wrote above.


I checked this on a new computer. You can click Skip when the Application Compatibility Check message appears, and continue with the installation of Norton 360 V4(Please check the screenshot below).

Copy of AdvancedSysPro.PNG

You do not have to uninstall the Advanced SystemCare Pro. Norton 360 installation displays this message as it suspects that the Automated Care and Disk Optimization from SystemCare Pro may conflict with the functionalities of Norton 360.


the problem of the clash only seems to be in XP


if using w7 reinstall ASC afterwards and it willl be ok, but in xp ASC stops norton working

Well In my opinion if you gev norton 360 a chance you will see it does the same things and more that your asc program does.  It maintains your pc with all the same things and runs smoothly with itself fighting virus' and spyware too.  But its up to you, you could try it for awhile without asc and just see.


If you set norton to do all the maintenance itself on auto you can try it out alone.