I just installed Norton 360 v4 on my laptop. The Norton is running OK after installation. I could run update and scan my laptop.
However when I restarted my laptop, it seems that the program wo'nt start or stop working
I have tried any times to re-install the Norton 360 V.4 included from safe mode. I also used the norton removal software and malware software (from safe mode) but i still have the same issue
This is staring annoying me....i have had re-installed more than 10 times..
One night i just hibernated my lapotopn (didnt shut down) and the next day when i used my laptopn
i dont have any issue (norton still running). It seems the problem occurs after i restart my laptop.
I have also contacted Norton hotline and the person helped me via remote desktop. Guess what the problem is still occured.
Before I used this software I installed the norton internet security 2009 and i did not have any issue.
I also used norton 360 before (v2 i think) and i did not have any issue.
- The Norton icon is available by the system clock
- Open Task Manager (right click on the taskbar -> Task Manager), go to the processes tab, on that click on the show all user's processes button, click OK on the UAC window, and on the list find ccsvchst.exe (two instances must be running).
I just installed Norton 360 v4 on my laptop. The Norton is running OK after installation. I could run update and scan my laptop.
However when I restarted my laptop, it seems that the program wo'nt start or stop working
I have tried any times to re-install the Norton 360 V.4 included from safe mode. I also used the norton removal software and malware software (from safe mode) but i still have the same issue
This is staring annoying me....i have had re-installed more than 10 times..
One night i just hibernated my lapotopn (didnt shut down) and the next day when i used my laptopn
i dont have any issue (norton still running). It seems the problem occurs after i restart my laptop.
I have also contacted Norton hotline and the person helped me via remote desktop. Guess what the problem is still occured.
Before I used this software I installed the norton internet security 2009 and i did not have any issue.
I also used norton 360 before (v2 i think) and i did not have any issue.
What should i do if i could not find these instances after i restart?
First of all, do a Full System scan with Norton, and after that before restart turn off the Norton Tamper Protection. It's in the Settings -> Administrative settings, and set it to turn off Permanently.
If the ccsvchst processes aren't there after restart, go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services, and on the list find Norton 360, on the left side you will see a start button, click on that.
If the two ccsvchst process is there, terminate both, and then do the same as before, when they are not loaded.
I would suggest a full scan with the free version of Malwarebytes to see if perhaps some malware is interfering with your Norton product functioning correctly or installing correctly. Also, if you have Spybot installed with Tea Timer and resident enabled, please disable those parts as they will interfere with your Norton product.
Download the free version, install and update then run a FULL scan. After the scan completes you should post the logs back to this thread.
It is a safer location to get the program from than malwarebytes themselves because some malware creators have large lists of sites that they block. Please be careful to down load the correct program ----the FREE version of MALWAREBYTES
(Thanks to Delph for providing the alternative site)
I had used the malwarebytes software. It did not find anything. I had also scanned via safe mode. The problem occurred after I full scan my comp and restrat the comp and then norton wont start... After I re-install, the program will start but as soon as i restarted my comp...it will stop running..
Not I am aware of...I have not installed any security product...
I am not quite sure regarding your question
I asked it, because sometimes users install many security products to make to PC safer, however they can make it weaker with it, as running many real time security product can cause troubles to each other.
scdd80 wrote:
And what other products are starting with Norton by the boot up (exept the default windows ones)?"
At the start up...MSconfig.....there is adobe, logitech, sony ericsson....is that what you meant
Yes, I wanted this. I asked these to check if there's maybe an incompatible one that conflicts with Norton, but as I know all of these work with Norton OK.....
At the start up menu, the following programs will run
1. Adobe acrobat
2. InstallShield update
3. Microsoft Windows Operating System
4. Sony Ericsson PC Suite
5. Stardock Objectdock
6. Bluetooth Stack Toshiba
7. Logitech
8. InCD
I could not find anything for Norton 360...it's normally in the startup at least for the updating....
Tonight when i started my laptop...Norton One click try to fix my Norton 360....but it failed....and said that it could not connect internet...in fact i am online...and also i could see Norton 360 icon but in red....however i could not click and run it