Hi - just installed N360 (after several attempts) and now trying to run first scan. The scan however only gets as far as about 7,500 - 8,500 files when it just stops and hangs. It seems to be always on the same file:
Any help given would be greatly appreciated...my Norton experience so far has not been a happy one.
msfeedssync.exe(Microsoft Feeds Synchronization task) checks for updates to your RSS feeds in Internet Explorer. Once it has updated your RSS feeds, it terminates. In your case, it seems that the file was in use when you run the scan. I would suggest to turn off the Feeds from Internet Explorer(Tools > Internet Options > Content > Feeds & Web slices > Settings), close all the Internet Explorer windows and then try to run a scan.
Thanks very much for taking the time to reply...it really is appreciated. To answer your questions:
1. although I successfully installed N360 on 2 other PCs in my house, on this particular PC I'm having trouble with, it installed successfully but then refused to launch or respond in any way. After several goes with the Norton Removal Tool and reinstalling (with no change), I eventually got hold a support rep who got me to change something with the user accounts (can't remember exactly what, sorry). The program then successfully launched and seemed to be operating normally. However, whenever I tried to run a full scan, the program stopped as described in my original post.
2. Live update - yes, I was able to run this until there were no further updates available
3. Previously I was using AVG Free. I think I uninstalled it via its inbuilt uninstall option (forgive me, there's been a lot of uninstalling going on in the last 24 hours)
4. There are no other real time security programs running.
Interestingly, when running the latest scan, although the program is hanging again at 8624 files, this time it is stuck on "Checking for VBS.Runauto". I have unchecked the IE feeds as per the other posting.
Thanks for replying, I'm very grateful. I have made the change that you suggested but now the program is stuck on something else. although the program is hanging at approx the same no. of files, this time it is stuck on "Checking for VBS.Runauto". It has been stuck now for about 45 mins - 1 hour.
If it detects any threats, let us know the details before you fix it. If the Norton Power Eraser tool didn't detect any threat, then restart your computer in Safe Mode and then try to run a full system scan with Norton 360.
Thanks for the link. I ran that (I don't think it found anything). Unfortunately when I tried to rescan just now, my N360 program responded that it couldn't as another scan was already in progress, even though I had canceled out of the last known running scan. I think I will reboot, retry and then re-post.
So...this is not going well. I tried to run the Power Eraser but the following happened:
1. the PC hung on shut down and I had to do a hard power reset (it does that 99% of the time)
2. On restarting the PC froze (blank screen) forcing another hard reset
3. On restarting the Power Eraser started running but then hung after about 15 mins. At the time it was examining a load point (C:\Windows\ehome\ehrecevr.exe)
4. I tried to restart the Power Eraser but got the following error message: "Error has occurred. Access is denied. Error Code 0x80070005,n44,n65"
5. My N360 program is now back where I started, i.e. the icon is there with a green tick but will not launch.
Any further assistance you can give me would be greatly appreciated. It seems like my problems are quite deep rooted.
Re. the requirements, the answer is I believe so. I list the specs of my HP Touchsmart here to confirm:
Rqmt 1: 300-MHz or faster processor: running an AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-52 1.6 GHz
Rqmt 2: 256 MB of RAM; 512 MB recommended: stated as 2GB
Rqmt 3: 300 MB of available hard disk space: I've got 136GB
Re. the hard reset problem (which, to try and clarify, means that when I try to power down or reboot the machine it hangs on the "shutting down" screen), it has been going on for at least 6 months.
No, I don't. It seems to shut down all open programs as normal, moves to a shutdown screen with "logging off", then to a second shutdown screen with "shutting down". and there it stays. Sometimes its worse than that it won't respond to a shutdown command at all. It did that just now when I wanted to run the check disk program and I literally had to just switch it off and on again.
Anyway, after doing that, the check disk program ran....I am now trying to find the results in the Event Viewer => Windows Logs=> Applications, but to no avail. Do you know where they would be? I'm searching for something where the source is "Wininit" or "chkdsk".
there are several errors that crop up in the log...I will post them up later but, for now, the answer to your question is no, the machine did not **bleep** down normally and still requires a power down to restart.
Sorry for the delay, I decided it would be sensible to back up my files in case of some irretrievable error. Interestingly, after doing so, I attempted to run another scan (just out of curiosity) and lo and behold...it worked! 1,632, 592 scanned files and no viruses found. As I was on a roll, I tried another normal shutdown and that worked too.
That is where the good news ends, however. On restarting, I could not launch N360 again despite it seemingly running happily in the background. When I tried a further reboot, I ended up back with my hanging "shutdown" screen again.
I attach a file with some details of all the error messages I could find in the log...please let me know if there's a better way of presenting/sending the info. The last 2 (logitech commander and ccvshost) seemed to be the 2 that were hanging on shutdown but there were bunch of other errors too. There's a couple of Norton related ones in there.
I also saw that the following 'boot-start or system start drivers' failed to load: i8042prt, PxHelp20 and SMR161. Hopefully this info will move this on as I am starting to think it might be time to invest in a new machine.
If its possible to know either way if this issue is something that is capable of being resolved, that would be great. I attach a further log file showing the issues that seemingly are causing me a problem on shutdown:
1. Norton 360 (user registry handles leaked from the, apparently).
2. BTStackserver.ex - an application that was terminated because it was hung ( something to do with bluetooth?)
3. ccSvcHst.exe - I have no idea what that is, also was terminated because it was hung
I've uninstalled 2 other applications that seemed to be causing a problem on shutdown (logitech and onzo) but the above problems remain. I appreciate you guys are not general IT support but I would love to get my Norton 360 working correctly, scanning, launching and shutting down etc.