I had an 2 years subscription of Norton 360 for 6 PCs. This expired just now. Now I bought a new product: Norton 360 V5 for 3 PCs for 1 year. regrettably I am not able to get it running: the installation seems to complete, but the "old" product keeps complaining about the expiration.
So I have deinstalled the "old" Norton completelly and reinstaleld the new one, downloading it from my Norton account. After rebooting the PC several times It just doesnt start working and the expirations message ´keeps apearing!
How can I get rid of the "old" Version and get the new one running?
You need to activate the new product with the new Product Key. Until you enter this, the program will continue to pick up the old Product Key that is on file and will show this as expired. Click the Renew or Subscribe link to enter your Key.
First thought -- where did you buy the replacement N 360 V5 for 3 PC's from?
Was it online from Norton with downloading the installation file? If so did you get an email with the new KEY (check spam folders if you did not see it).
Or did you buy it boxed from a retailer .... or how .....
How did you uninstall the old Norton? The best way is to uninstall by the usual WIndows route and then clean up with the Norton Removal Tool whcih you can get as below.
Then go back to your MyNortonAccount and use the Download facility -- if you have a problem with that let us know and we can give you a direct link to download an installation file.
If that does not fix it then the bvest way to deal with subscription / activation is to contact the Norton OnLine Support via the CHAT route as below. All the feedback is that they are very good in dealing with subscription and activation quickly and painlessly .... but you may want to answer the questions first.
As Delphinium suggests, a complete clean up and reinstall may be the best thing but I'd like to add a note about a new tool that Norton have just brought in that combines the removal and the reinstall into one operation:
To contact customer support Click on this link and work on from there. You may have to scroll down a little to see the CHAT button.
You can choose CHAT or Email; email or phone may have a long wait time and feedback from users tells us that CHAT is by far the best at resolving problems.
Note that that link is to the USA/CAN website so if you are located elsewhere I'm sure you will be able to find the equivalent location on your local Symantec website; some pages have a link at the top right where you can select the country you are located in.
Please let us know how you get on or if you have any queries ....