I am getting the error message: c:\programfiles(86)\Norton360\engine\\uistub.exe Could someone please help me with this. I am very concerned that my computer isn't being protected.
What is the full error message? Is v4 what is on the machine or did you update to v5? What are you doing when the message comes up?
I have a similar issue. all my other computers updated to version 5 norton 360 during the last week. but one windows 7 64 ultimate computer won't run norton 360 at all.
No options work, no error messages are given it just never starts.
I think I am compromised as i can't run ANY antimalware/antivirus application.
and nortons' new policy of paying for support help is atrocious, if I had know of this plan prior to my buying 6 licenses in february i would have purchased NSET instead.
Especially since norton 360 looks like it didn't protect this computer.
I'm sorry to hear one of the computers may be infected. But you can get plenty of free help here either directly or from links to safe places elsewhere for specialized free help
No security software is 100% perfect and a big part of the problem is that infections often get inside by unwitting invitation by the user -- a click on or even a No Thanks that in fact says YES PLEASE !
Would you give some basic information about the infected computer -- What version of Windows are you using including Service Packs and whether 32 bit or 64 bit as well as the Name and Version ID of the Norton product that you are using -- Help or Support / About is where that is, in the format of nn.nn.nn.nnn
If you get any error messages please give the exact wording of them as well as any other background that could be helpful.
Have you tried running Malwarebytes or SuperAntiSpyware free versions:
After booting to Safe mode?
After changing the name of the exe file to something different like ronf.exe after you download it on a clean computer and before you try to run it on the infected computer -- this sometimes works when the malware blocks utilities from a list of nameas.
Hear from you.
Thank you for the offer of help.
If you had read my posting ALL your questions were answered.
the computer is Windows 7 64 bit ultimate, the norton software is norton 360 version 4.
Norton 360 WILL NOT RUN- no features will run. so update stalls, upgrade to version 5 doesn't work.
NOT MalwareBytes NOT Microsoft Security Essentials/Defender.
ronf57 wrote:Thank you for the offer of help.
If you had read my posting ALL your questions were answered.
the computer is Windows 7 64 bit ultimate, the norton software is norton 360 version 4.
Norton 360 WILL NOT RUN- no features will run. so update stalls, upgrade to version 5 doesn't work.
NOT MalwareBytes NOT Microsoft Security Essentials/Defender.
No need to shout -- you did not answer all my questions in your first message:
<<I am getting the error message: c:\programfiles(86)\Norton360\engine\\uistub.exe Could someone please help me with this. I am very concerned that my computer isn't being protected. >>
was all it said.
I hope someone can help you.
Can you update to the latest version (Norton 360 Version 5.0) and see whether that resolves the problem?
I did not post the comment :
>>I am getting the error message: c:\programfiles(86)\Norton360\engine\\uistub.exe Could someone please help me with this. I am very concerned that my computer isn't being protected.<<
My computer gives NO ERRORS (for emphasis-not shouting wow that took me back to 1978 shouting wheew)
so while i have been able to update my norton 360 v4 to v5 booting from safemode and can now perform a full system scan.
It still does not wat to run with windows in "normal boot mode".
I had a similar issue where it wouldnt restart in the middle of the upgrade from v4 to v5 (XP 32bit)
the first reboot gave me a fatal NT kernel error that forced another shutdown. This was after the desktop appeared.
It was not the Blue screen of death, it was a system popup that indicated the NT SysAdmin was shutting down in 45secs due to a service start failure.
i rebooted a 3rd time and then got an error about svchost.exe failing to start. Norton 360 followed shortly after. At least the NT kernel didnt panic!
At this point, none of the norton 360 icons worked, they gave an error about uiStub.exe and parameter one missing. I do not recall the path it was complaining about.
finally i rebooted a 4th time, about to post some flames, and ... then the norton icon on the task bar. eventually, the green check box appeared. a few minutes later it performed the reauthentication of the license.
I am the original poster. Yesterday was my birthday so I was a little busy. Anyway so far rebooting hasn’t helped. I am trying again. My version according to “change or uninstall a program” is My husband said some norton pop ups came up over the weekend but he didn’t remember what they said. I am still getting the same message when I try to open norton. Any ideas?
Have you checked whether you have the Embassy Trust Suite program installed in Add or Remove programs?
Nothing with Embassy Trust suite in the name.
ronf57 wrote:huwyngr:
I did not post the comment :
>>I am getting the error message: c:\programfiles(86)\Norton360\engine\\uistub.exe Could someone please help me with this. I am very concerned that my computer isn't being protected.<<
My computer gives NO ERRORS (for emphasis-not shouting wow that took me back to 1978 shouting wheew)
so while i have been able to update my norton 360 v4 to v5 booting from safemode and can now perform a full system scan.
It still does not wat to run with windows in "normal boot mode".
That's the problem with mixed threads and the absence of a visible link tree (it is an option here believe it or not but since no-one uses it I gave up and surrendered to the blog mode and backquoting .....) Even today's Compuserve doesn't come near the old HMI interface ..... Does that take you back far enough.
I can't give a lot of help on N 360 since I don't use it actively so I'm sort of the janitor and sweep up loose ends <s>
nancyjo95 wrote:
I am the original poster. Yesterday was my birthday so I was a little busy. Anyway so far rebooting hasn't helped. I am trying again. My version according to "change or uninstall a program" is My husband said some norton pop ups came up over the weekend but he didn't remember what they said. I am still getting the same message when I try to open norton. Any ideas?
Belated birthday wishes ... If I'd known I'd've baked a cake .....
Sorry if I got mixed up on that ....
I'm sure someone can help you. You do have the latest version of V5 (If you open up Norton GUI and click on Support-Help / About you'll see the version ID there too.
On the popups it's best to wai until you can tell us what they are about but if they are the result of a setting you have deliberately changed -- like disabling Email Protection -- then after you change the setting and it asks you for how long if you hover your mouse over the name alongside the slider that changes the setting you will get a popup telling you briefly what the setting is about and if you don't want to be warned about the change you will see the word Ignore -- clicking on that stops the popup but not the setting change.
Note what I said above about not using N360 actively so what I'm describing is in Norton Internet Security in the Advanced view of the GUI.
So hang on for some real help <s>
If you're the janitor I guess that makes me the guy that holds the dust pan and carries out the trash
Considering the neighborhood, not a bad gig
All the help we can get is needed .....