Norton 360, Windows 7, and IE8 issue PLEASE Help!

I am really frustrated.  I haven't had many problems, but one I had with IE8 and Norton 360 4, and Windows 7 has returned with the upgrade te v5.0.



IE8 crashes if I am typing

  •  and use a "."
  • I use the 'enter' key

Most often, I see this when:

  •  I am trying to search in the Google toolbar or typing in email or on a form

NOTE:  I am not having any difficulty typing here. Also, if I get my search in and click the 'search' Button, everything is fine.


I don't remember how I/ Microsoft/ Symantec made it stop before, but I am going crazy. 



I tried to go to IE9, which caused other problems in my email.  I used Firefox for a couple of weeks before going back to IE8 when the "." and "enter" issue reappeared.


I realize that this is likely MORE than a Symantec problem, but if anyone can help me get this to stop I WOULD BE SO GRATEUL! 





What is the version of Norton 360 that you have? Is it Version 5.0 or 5.1? You can check this by starting the product, and then clicking Support, and the click About. That will give you the version number. If you have the 5.0 version, then run LiveUpdate until no more updates, to get the 5.1 version.

LOL... You'll love this!  I was entering and forgot the last decimal point.  When I corrected it, the browser crashed again.  When a crash occurs, I often don't lose the page, but DO lose any info I entered (not going to type a period)

I think this may be due to the presence of V4 leftovers in your computer. We need to download and run the Norton Removal Tool to completely remove all the Norton products. Make sure that you take a backup of Identity Safe before running the Norton Removal Tool. You can download the Norton Removal Tool at:


I hope you still have the downloaded Norton 360 Version 5.0 on your desktop. Install it now and see what happens.

In IE8 or IE 9 try switching to Compatability Mode when here.....


Browsers have a menu bar with entries on it like File .... Tools ... Help but in modern versions this is by default not shown.


Press on the ALT key on your keyboard and the menu bar should show.


Click on tools and look for Compatibility View and click on it to put a check mark there.


That sets Compatibility mode for the website you are on.


Just below Compatibility View is another line Compatibility VIew Settings -- if you click on that it will show you which websites it is set for and you can add and remove entries if you need to. I think you can also set it always to work in Compatibility Mode but you may not want to do that.

Yes, this looks like something I should try, however, can you please tell me how to save my identity safe information.  I've come to rely on this a LOT and can't afford to lose it now.


Thanks in advance,

2sigh wrote:

Yes, this looks like something I should try, however, can you please tell me how to save my identity safe information.  I've come to rely on this a LOT and can't afford to lose it now.


Thanks in advance,

I don't use the Identity Safe myself but somewhere in the menu structure of N 360 you should find Export which will save a file to where you direct it -- which should not be a location on your main computer drive; you could use a thumbdrive for example or an external hard drive if you have one.