Norton 360 with LifeLock - Error code: 32040

My ordeal with Norton seems consistent with other closed threads on this forum.

1. Created a LifeLock Ultimate membership - Jun 1
2. Clicked on banner to UPGRADE for FREE to Norton 360 with LifeLock Ultimate
3. Completed the new account creation, entered credit card details for the $0 upgrade fee, etc.

I was then able to successfully sign into my DOT norton DOT com successfully with new account.  I can see I have ID Theft Protection alerts.  Every time I click the "ID Theft Protection" I get the following error:

Error loading

We were not able to find an active subscription for you. If you just enrolled, the creation of your subscription can take a little time to complete. Check back in a few minutes or call member support if the issue continues. Please click here to check the status of your account.

Error code: 32040

The above is the consistently displayed for the Norton 360 for iPhone and iPad apps.  Also, logging into other browsers (Chrome, Safari, etc.) results in the same.

Any attempts to sign into memberport DOT norton DOT com results in this error:

Your account is currently moving to the Cyber Safety Platform. If you did not request this change, or have additional questions, please contact 1-844-346-3614.

I spent countless hours and too many calls with so many Norton employees trying to solve this issue -- including multiple "escalations" to tier 1, 2 and 3 support.  Nobody EVER contacted me back.  Each and every time I had to initiate all calls! 

My original trial expired 29-Jun-2022.  

Today, I tried to start over.  This time I started directly with norton DOT com.  I selected my plan and entered my billing details.  It took a credit hold but resulted in the following error:

There is an issue with your order.

We are unable to proceed with your purchase of a LifeLock plan.
Please call 1-855-993-1916 for assistance with this order.

I spoke with an agent and explained all of the above.  He tried submitting the order and it failed.  Apparently I still had a LifeLock subscription.  He removed the product key and submitted again.  That time it worked.  As usual, they said give it an hour and try to access my services.

I waited the requested hour and same exact error messages list above (error code 32040) and account is moving to Cyber Safety Platform.

I just spent another hour with two more agents who insisted I try it on my Mac.  Then to clear the cache.  Then to try another browser.  Then to clear the cache on that browser.  Every time, same error.  

What will it take for Norton to be able to provide LifeLock services?  


Thank you for posting on the Norton Community. One of our representatives will reach out to you and help resolve this issue. Thank you.