My (OED) Oxford English Dictionary (fully installed to hard drive from CDs) use to work fine with previous Norton security products. Norton 360 v4 stops it from opening [Windows error message 'Fatal Error 1001'] - Norton says its Sonar has quarantined a .tmp file which is deemed high risk. I tried Norton tech support - go help. I tried the OED tech suppoort, no help. The 'suspiciously acting program file is listed as ~crf3860.tmp. and indicated as being high risk. I am baffled because the OED does not access the Internet to function. I was trying to ask Norton tech support if there is a way to exclude the OED from Sonar and scan protection. The OED used to work fine till now. The Norton tech fellow uninstalled Norton 360 (and Ghost 15 to my chagrin!) all to no avail. Any ideas?
My (OED) Oxford English Dictionary (fully installed to hard drive from CDs) use to work fine with previous Norton security products. Norton 360 v4 stops it from opening [Windows error message 'Fatal Error 1001'] - Norton says its Sonar has quarantined a .tmp file which is deemed high risk. I tried Norton tech support - go help. I tried the OED tech suppoort, no help. The 'suspiciously acting program file is listed as ~crf3860.tmp. and indicated as being high risk. I am baffled because the OED does not access the Internet to function. I was trying to ask Norton tech support if there is a way to exclude the OED from Sonar and scan protection. The OED used to work fine till now. The Norton tech fellow uninstalled Norton 360 (and Ghost 15 to my chagrin!) all to no avail. Any ideas?
Yes, I have the option to restore it, which I have taken. Since making this post I received a reply from Norton tech support instructing me to set settings so N360 ignores the OED in alls canning but this did not work, strange to say. It still sends me the message about a high risk .tmp file but no more details are available, not that I can find. (And: Thanks for replying). - Will
Is the file still being removed, or are you just being warned? Did the tech ask you to submit the file so that definitions could be adjusted for it. If not, you can submit it here.
I found this info but it is about Comodo and I have not been able to figure out how rto apply it to Norton 360. When I try to set the configuration as described I am told it is not a right path.
I am not very proficient at any of this, so excuse me if my nomenclature and sense of things is dulled.
Thanks for the link on APP registration and etc. and yes, I am afraid the nomenclature is for me like a hybrid of Greek-Persian-and South Texan mixed with Silicon Valley... I am just not proficient enuff in such computereze. I don't expect others to do the work, I continue to TRY. I am still waiting for Norton tech support to respond to the examples of files and screenshots. Meanwhile the techy support email from Oxford mentions they cannot guarantee the newer version with SecurROM instead of CD-COPS will work (!)
I am happy to report that a combination of adding exclusion/exceptions regarding all .tmp anfd OED-related files plus the instalalrtion of an update patch from the OED tech support has fixed my Oxford and I have my dictionary program back and Norton 30 sonar functioning as well. Thanks again to responders! Since no further replies have appeared I will assume others are not running intot his problem so I will not get the OED patch link to set here, but if someone coems looking, just contact the Oxford University Press tech support folk and they can direct you to a patch.
I'm glad to see that everything has been fixed up for you. Don't hesitate to leave a link, if you wish, as that is always helpful to someone eventually. Thanks for the info.