Norton 4 Linux


hey all, i dont know is this right place for posting this confusion...

           i have installed Ubuntu Linux 10.10, i like it too much and want both xp and ubuntu together, i dont know ubuntu can be affected by virus , but if yes can any Recomended Norton Version for Linux, i m using Norton for my XP

so please help me what is the right place to get Norton for my Linux too.. cause i cant trust any other antivirus for my windows or linux whatever OS..

waiting for support.

I don't believe there's a consumer Linux product, but here is a reference to it in Symantec Endpoint Protection:


hey all, i dont know is this right place for posting this confusion...

           i have installed Ubuntu Linux 10.10, i like it too much and want both xp and ubuntu together, i dont know ubuntu can be affected by virus , but if yes can any Recomended Norton Version for Linux, i m using Norton for my XP

so please help me what is the right place to get Norton for my Linux too.. cause i cant trust any other antivirus for my windows or linux whatever OS..

waiting for support.