Norton Account Login

I had a problem this morning when trying to login to my Norton/identity safe account.  The same thing has happened before.  When trying to login I got the error that a network connection problem (or words to that effect) was causing the problem.  All other internet and email connections seemed to be working okay.  I am running Win7 (64 bit) with a BT Home Hub 3 router.  This happened about 0930 hrs GMT.  I also tried to login on my laptop running Win Xp Pro with the same result.


I eventually rebooted the router and everything then worked fine.  I would like to establish if the router was causing the problem or if the Norton server was down for a period and rebooting the router was a coincidence.


Any ideas please?

Thanks I'll try and do that if it happens again. 


Any idea why everything else on the internet would have been working okay?

Hi Peter,


Am not exactly sure about it but can tell you that in past few of users had this issue of unable to login to the norton account but later with the trace route we found that some other IP was blocking the NIS from reaching the symantec server but it got resolved automatically at the users end itself.




I had a problem this morning when trying to login to my Norton/identity safe account.  The same thing has happened before.  When trying to login I got the error that a network connection problem (or words to that effect) was causing the problem.  All other internet and email connections seemed to be working okay.  I am running Win7 (64 bit) with a BT Home Hub 3 router.  This happened about 0930 hrs GMT.  I also tried to login on my laptop running Win Xp Pro with the same result.


I eventually rebooted the router and everything then worked fine.  I would like to establish if the router was causing the problem or if the Norton server was down for a period and rebooting the router was a coincidence.


Any ideas please?

Thanks once again.


I'm not sure how to do the trace as my router software was reporting that everything was okay.  Can you tell me how to undertake the trace if it happens again please?

Hi Peter,


Next time when you face this issue in product, just try logging to the Norton Account from this URL: ; this is our Online portal for IDSC. If you are able to login here then you should be able to login through the product too. if that's not working just goto run command and enter tracert and wait for the ping results and share the results. We will have to check if this is same as the issue which we experienced in the past.




Thanks very much I'll do that. Hope I don't have to though.