Norton-account paswoord doesn't arrive to the emailadres

I have here a pc from my neighbours, its's a Medion Akoya. They have bought Norton Antivirus 2012. On that pc, there was already installed a Norton Antivirus 2012 version, they want to continue a subscription. So i used the serial from the Norton Antivurs 2012 they bought. And it worked. But at the end Norton ask to continue to make a Norton account. I entered the email from my neighbours (on the Medin Akoya pc), and Norton says "Norton has found the account". But i have forget the password to that account. So i clicked "I forget the password". Then i have to re-enter the email adress from my neighbours. And then Norton says 'you receive mail where you can adjust your password". But that mail never arrives on the email account of my neighbours. I have tried it ten times, still no mail at the email account of my neighbours. I have also see in the spam box. So Norton finds the account, but i don't receive password restore mail at the neigbours email account.

All the things above i did on the neighbours pc (Medion Akoya).