Norton Anti-Spam "Empty Spam Folder" Only Empties 1/2 The Spam



After the latest update (that required a reboot), my Anti-Spam module in NIS 2009 empties only one half the spam from the Norton Anti-Spam folder in Outlook. If the folder has 144 spam messages and I click it once, it decreases to 72. If I click it again: 36. Then 18, 9, 4, 2...1. What is going on?


Has anyone else observed this and do you know how to fix it, so it actually empties? I'm afraid if it continues, Norton will have to issue a new patch so the button reads: "Trim your Norton Anti-Spam Folder in Half". Yes, verbose, but more accurate. :smileytongue:





Hi Ansel

We are not able to reproduce this issue.
Empty Spam Folder Plugin in the outlook toolbar empties all the Emails in the Norton Antispam Folder at one shot

Can you please follow these steps and retry:

1. Turn Off Antispam (Settings->Antispam)
2. Reboot the Machine
3. Turn On Antispam, Open Outlook (Antispam will be integrated with Outlook and Antispam Plugins will be added to the Outlook toolbar)
4. Now try to Empty the Spam Folder by clicking the 'Emtpy Spam Folder' plugin

Let us know if this solves your problem



I will test this also because I noticed this for the first time today also.  I have Outlook 2007 SP2 (which did require a reboot on 04/30/09 which was Thursday) and NIS16.5.0.135 .  Vista Home Pre SP1.



I tried the workaround/fix and that did not solve the issue. I have Outlook 2007 SP2 as well and NIS 2009 with all the latest updates.


What should we try next?





Same here; did not fix the issue.  (oops)

Works great here. Any other outlook toolbars installed?

Stu - you have SP2 for Outlook2007?  And no, no other toolbars installed here.

yep, that’s what I have. Did you test it before installing SP2? maybe it’s the update

Oh, it is the update; never had a problem with this until the update.  I use Outlook 2007 as my only email client.  Worked perfectly until the update to SP2.

I have Windows XP SP2 and some other toolbars: GoToMeeting and Techsmith's SnagIT. I would not suspect toolbar integration issues as there has been no evidence of interplay or foul play to this point.


Even if the issue lay with MS Office SP2, that release is here to stay and needs to be coded around. Please let me know of other tweaks I may try.





/bump - any additional thoughts?

I’m sure that  Kavitha and others are looking into this.  We will here back when they have a solution or need some more information.

Outlook Express has a self-repair feature.  Does Outlook also have one?  I know that the entire Office package has a self-repair, but that’s kind of a biggie.  Still, it might be worth trying.  Open ADD/REMOVE, go to MS Office and choose the options that lead to a program repair.

Office 2007 has an enhanced Diagnostic and Repair suite built in.  Running it has no effect on this problem.  Good point though.

Wanted to update this situation today; seems that as of this morning, this issue has corrected itself.  Will keep you posted; just wanted to say that if you did anything through Live Update it seems to work (so far).

I have the same problem, followed reboot procedure, problem persists…

No change in mine, unfortunately. It’s still not moving all of my spams to the trash, at once.

Hello Users,


We are able to reproduce this issue of partial deletion of emails in the Norton AntiSpam folder when you click on the "Empty spam folder" button on the Norton Toolbar. We are going to take this as a bug internally and try and come up with a fix.


The deletion pattern seems to be (x/2)+1, where x is the number of emails in the Norton AntiSpam folder.


Thanks for bringing this up on the forum.


You said running live update fixed the problem. Can you tell us what updates were downloaded? If you can think of anything else that you suspect, fixed the problem, please let us know.


(Symantec Employee)

I did not have time to post back yesterday, but what I experience is that the first time I use the ‘Empty Spam Folder’ after booting the my system, it clears the entire folder.  After that, it follows the pattern you described.  I did not know if there were any definition changes to spam yesterday, that’s why I added my note.

I, too, began experiencing the same problem when I upgraded Outlook to SP2

