Norton antibot

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Hi Stu,


I think it's not needed. A good virus scanner should do Antibots work.




HorstL wrote:

Hi Stu,


I think it's not needed. A good virus scanner should do Antibots work.




Don't you think it is a great addition to the regular Norton products?



in my opinion the Antibot application has to be embedded in Norton AV/IS . A separate software is in my eyes unnecessary.




HorstL wrote:



in my opinion the Antibot application has to be embedded in Norton AV/IS . A separate software is in my eyes unnecessary.




That's another question. But you think it should be added into the regular products?

Yes, that's right. A antibot module would be nice. I see it in my market. The customer are not interested in AntiBot as standalone program.




HorstL wrote:

Yes, that's right. A antibot module would be nice. I see it in my market. The customer are not interested in AntiBot as standalone program.




Not to pay for I guess

Yes, right too.


Other competitors have AntiBot functions embedded in their security suites. 




If you don’t want to pay for AntiBot, get Threatfire free from PCTools. Same essential function at no cost.

1 Like

trebest wrote:
If you don't want to pay for AntiBot, get Threatfire free from PCTools. Same essential function at no cost.
But I'm now curious about what people think of antibot

I use AntiBot on a couple of my machines, Threatfire on some others.  AntiBot is fairly “light” on the system, and it has popped up a couple time with warnings, but about programs that I knew were OK. Needed, probably not, but I consider it another layer in my defense.

To be clear; we'd like to include all AntiBot functionality into the suite, however anytime we include new technology like this in NIS, it has to get onto the next "train stop".  Our major revs of NIS are normally once per year.  Instead of waiting, we decided to release it as a standalone.  For now, users who want the "latest and greatest" can get NAB.  Many people will probably be content to wait until this type of technology makes it into NIS.


That being said, I'd at least recommend that users download a trial of NAB and see if they are infected by a bot.  Our data shows that ~10% of all consumer systems are infected.


NAB is especially useful to run on friends systems who you think *might* be infected.  Often more advanced and savvy users are careful about what they download, and they are much less likely to be infected.  Its the user who knows nothing about PC security, who usually has a horribly infected PC.  Those folks are the primary contributor to the ~10% of infected PCs, and those are the folks who should run NAB.

Rowan wrote:

To be clear; we'd like to include all AntiBot functionality into the suite, however anytime we include new technology like this in NIS, it has to get onto the next "train stop".  Our major revs of NIS are normally once per year.  Instead of waiting, we decided to release it as a standalone.  For now, users who want the "latest and greatest" can get NAB.  Many people will probably be content to wait until this type of technology makes it into NIS.


That being said, I'd at least recommend that users download a trial of NAB and see if they are infected by a bot.  Our data shows that ~10% of all consumer systems are infected.


NAB is especially useful to run on friends systems who you think *might* be infected.  Often more advanced and savvy users are careful about what they download, and they are much less likely to be infected.  Its the user who knows nothing about PC security, who usually has a horribly infected PC.  Those folks are the primary contributor to the ~10% of infected PCs, and those are the folks who should run NAB.

Thanx for the update.
Sounds logical

It is Mentioned here that ~10% Customers are afftected by Bots, does that means NAV/NIS will not adress the bots?

unoemperor wrote:
It is Mentioned here that ~10% Customers are afftected by Bots, does that means NAV/NIS will not adress the bots?
Hi unoemperor and welcome
Yes it does but Antibot just gives a extra layer. Bots are more effective and dangerous these days so a extra layer won't harm you.
Message Edited by Stu on 04-11-2008 08:04 AM

"Protect your PC from being hijacked" With Norton AntiBot.


I thought this was the domain of "Norton Internet Security" or is it all being split up?

Perhaps Symantec can make more on individual products than suites!

ÂŁ20 for something that is mostly contained in what we already have is a bit much.

If it was something that is to be included in later suites then it should have be a free Norton Add on Pack like Norton AntiSpam and Privicy Control.

That's cool.  To see NAB on NIS in the future!

Would like adblocking also in Norton Add-on because there are many sites that is infected thru ads e.g. site was mal-vertized without the knowledge of the site owners.

Urrell wrote:

"Protect your PC from being hijacked" With Norton AntiBot.


I thought this was the domain of "Norton Internet Security" or is it all being split up?

Perhaps Symantec can make more on individual products than suites!

ÂŁ20 for something that is mostly contained in what we already have is a bit much.

If it was something that is to be included in later suites then it should have be a free Norton Add on Pack like Norton AntiSpam and Privicy Control.

It is just a marketing sentence. NIS and 360 will keep you safe.
As said earlier Antibot is just an extra layer just as Mamutu and Threatfire

Difference of NAB on NAV or NIS is..

NAB requires no signatures (aka definitions) because it is based on behaviour of the processes, files and whatever is running and active modules or components in the system.

Norton Antivirus has signatures which means if it is in the signature.. it is flagged as threat (low, medium or high).


Donna wrote:

That's cool.  To see NAB on NIS in the future!

Would like adblocking also in Norton Add-on because there are many sites that is infected thru ads e.g. site was mal-vertized without the knowledge of the site owners.

For adblocking try "Firefox" :smileysurprised: