Norton AntiTheft security problem

i have an msi gs70 notebook bought at pcfactory in chile on mid 2014. after wannacry attack antitheft launched with this message "This Computer has been disabled using Intel(R) AntiTheft Technology due to: Platform Atrack detected" it gives me 2 options and indont have the passphrase or the server recovery token. i dont knew that my laptop had this feature and now i cant enter to my files... can anyone help me?

fdalvare Please follow @peterweb for further followup. Have a great day.

The image does show it is Norton Anti Theft that has locked the device. The only way to get it cleared is to use Norton Support. Unfortunately, not all agents seem to be able to deal with this. I have been working with Norton employees over trying to ensure that the information is available to all agents.

So if the first agent is not able to help, you can point them to this thread that shows that Support can fix it. You may have to try a second Support contact.

Let me know if you have trouble and I'll try to get your case escalated.


You are most welcome. The photo seems to point to a provider number 15000. According to my research that number references Norton.

Also Norton discontinued that product some time ago.

Give Norton Support a chat and give them the reference I posted in the above link. Please let us know how you made out so we can mark this resolved when done.

hi, i bought it openbox from a retail store here in chile, and in the manuals i had it never said nothing about this technology.

i never hitted with the ransomware, because my laptop was disconnected because i had other one on my job, so i powered on to work at home and that screen appeared.

here i post you a pic of the screen of my laptop.


im going to contact intel and the store i bought it on chile, thanks for your comments


"This Computer has been disabled using Intel(R) AntiTheft Technology due to: Platform Atrack detected"

Hello fdalvare Can you bring up your system BIOS setup screen? If so check your settings under Security and deactivate this there. Also. Is Norton giving you this message? Windows itself? Intel(R) AntiTheft Technology was discontinued by Intel in 2014. IF indeed you are the original owner you should know the passcode to unlock the laptop. I assume that since you don't have the passcode you got the laptop used? Or reconditioned? The Anti-Theft tech is built directly onto the CPU itself but can be disabled ONLY with the passcode it was installed with.

My next question is were you hit with the ransomware itself and that is what activated the lock?

There is also another older thread where others had similar issues as you.

You may also contact Intel support here:

If all else fails try contacting the vendor you purchased the laptop from for assistance as well.