Hi, Symantec Support Team.
I bought new Mac and reinstall MacOS, so my Mac is clean. And install Norton Antivirus 11.0 for Mac on it.
In install progress, Installer asked me to update now. Of course I pressed "Yes". It looked like update progress was done.
After restart, Antivirus(Or LiveUpdate?) noticed "Can not run Auto-Protect" and "LiveUpdate has an error updating the virus definitions".
I tried update via LiveUpdate many times. But I can not update virus definitions and can not scan files by Auto-Protect(But I can set Auto-Protect is available) and I can not version-up virus definition(My Norton AntiVirus is not expired.).
Norton AntiVirus's version is 11.1.1(2) and LiveUpdate's version is 5.1.1(19).
What should I do next?