Norton Antivirus Webguard Protection

I use Norton antivirus 2009,


I wonder, Norton antivirus provide web guard protection ? ( I use firefox and opera browser )

Hi Data,

Auto-Protect scans all files that are received from any source, such as the Internet, removable disks, or email attachments irrespective of the browser you use. Whenever you cut, past or save any data from the Internet, the AutoProtect will be scanning those file. Auto-Protect scans files for viruses, Trojan horses, and worms any time that the files are accessed, such as when they are copied, moved, run, or opened. Auto-Protect intercepts any run, open, or create activity and scans the file before allowing the action to continue. These scans are transparent to the user and have little, if any, noticeable effect on system performance. So,there won’t be anything to worry about the protection when you use Firefox/Opera as your browser. In addition to that, Norton AntiVirus 2009 also have Browser Protection to watch for attempts to exploit the security holes by malicious or infected banner ads and infected web sites.

I use Norton antivirus 2009,


I wonder, Norton antivirus provide web guard protection ? ( I use firefox and opera browser )