Norton Autofix dialog: Error:3048,3 while using AOL site

Some approximate report of what was I doing while two Error:3048,3 Autofix dialogs appeared:


Tonight while on AOL main site and viewing one of their headline videos, this Autofix Error dialog appeared.  I waited while Autofix looked for a remedy online; then no fix was found and I was given a button to "open support web site".


A few days ago, within about 2 hours after installing and activating NIS on same computer, was the first occurance of Norton Autofix Error:3048,3.  I was also viewing a video on the AOL site at that time.



Norton Autofix

X Attention

We are unable to find an automated fix for this issue.  Please go to our support website for further assistance.

button caption : Open Support Web Site


I chose "close" instead.


EDIT: I used Comodo Dragon v21.2 on tonights event, and I believe but not certain that I also used Firefox v15 a few days ago event.