I recently re-installed Norton for the Mac and got an intrusion warning.
Connection Attempt Incoming Denied, Suspicious Activity, TCP, Remote Address, Port 80, Host sapi.norton.com, Local Port 49752
I did a trace route:
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 72 byte packets
1 gateway ( 0.782 ms 1.387 ms 1.360 ms
2 * * *
3 te-0-0-0-5-sur03.spokane.wa.seattle.comcast.net ( 12.587 ms 12.550 ms 9.021 ms
4 be-37-ar01.burien.wa.seattle.comcast.net ( 20.958 ms 19.119 ms
be-1-sur02.spokane.wa.seattle.comcast.net ( 11.926 ms
5 he-0-15-0-1-ar01.seattle.wa.seattle.comcast.net ( 17.880 ms
be-37-ar01.seattle.wa.seattle.comcast.net ( 15.638 ms 17.738 ms
6 he-1-3-0-0-10-cr01.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net ( 22.241 ms 22.540 ms 18.273 ms
7 he-0-5-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net ( 17.018 ms 21.748 ms 18.300 ms
8 ( 18.332 ms 16.701 ms 68.111 ms
9 ae-1-80.edge1.washington1.level3.net ( 85.212 ms
ae-4-90.edge1.washington1.level3.net ( 83.626 ms 83.330 ms
10 ae-1-60.edge1.washington1.level3.net ( 150.789 ms 80.653 ms
ae-4-90.edge1.washington1.level3.net ( 83.952 ms
11 xe5-2-5.bcr1.ash4.us.bb.symantec.net ( 99.224 ms 96.825 ms 94.454 ms
12 ae-0-0.bar1.ash3.us.bb.symantec.net ( 94.461 ms 94.268 ms 94.481 ms
13 norton-2.bar1.ash3.us.bb.symantec.net ( 95.643 ms 96.515 ms 97.466 ms
14 vl22-r2-fo.acc5.symnds.com ( 97.012 ms 98.248 ms 94.311 ms
15 vl10-r1-fo.acc5.symnds.com ( 98.263 ms 95.448 ms 99.679 ms
16 sapi.norton.com ( 97.219 ms 96.682 ms 95.556 ms
And then I checked it out here
And it all looks OK. So maybe I am a bit too paranoid.