Norton blocks access to my Canon Canoscan Lide 220 scanner. I have spent 20 hours trying to figure out why.
Your chat tech support has no clue how to resolve this.
In fact chat tech support is so bad I would fire them all. Really they have no clue.
The only way for me to scan is to disable norton firewall. This same scanner worked perfect in Windows 7.
Windows 8.1 (64bit) and Windows 10 (64 bit) it will not scan.
I have reinstalled the scanners drivers (10 times), removed norton security (then it worked fine).
Reinstall norton sercuity set option to full trust on my network, set program control to allow. Can't scan.
Installed VueScan software and I can scan everytime. So basically Norton blocks the scanner software ij scan (from canon).
I feel the solution is in the norton firewall. If Norton can't provide a solution, then Norton should send me check for $29.95 to buy VueScan software.
I think this is a fair solution.