Norton blocks an intrusion attempt everytime I open Firefox

Every time I open Firefox I get a notice that Norton has blocked an intrusion. have run a full system scan in Norton and Malwarebytes and turned up nothing. I'm running windows 10 Home v21H2 and Norton 360 version

Hello and thanks for the suggestions!

I have disabled all of my extensions and it still happens. however I have noticed that it doesn't happen all the time. For instance, if I close and then a minute later reopen Firefox, it starts without the pop up. If Firefox is closed for a while, then it shows up immediately. I am in the process of testing other browsers to see if it happens with them.

If your changes don't help, try disabling your browser extensions and test to see if you still get the intrusion block. If that solves the issue, you need to start enabling the extensions one at a time and restart the browser to test. If you get the warning after restarting one of your extensions, it would seem that extension is the problem


Hello and thanks for the comment. Ive set the browser to open the Google homepage on start up. I'm actually using the New Tab Homepage add on as well. I'll try setting a different homepage and see if that solves it. I'll also try clearing the cache again and see if that helps. Thanks again. 

What home page are you using? It sounds like there may be a malicious ad on that page that Norton has blocked. If this is what is happening, there is nothing on your computer for scans to find, as Norton blocked it.

Try clearing Firefox's browser cache and test again.