Norton: Can't open "Check Security History" option


My Brother has the same computer as me and also has Norton. He has a older version of Norton 360 It's the one where the colour scheme is black instead of white.


We could opened it before and it was fine but now for some reason we can't open it. I told him to downoad MBAM Free on to the computer to check for viruses just to be on the safe side and everything came up clean. And before we downloaded the MBAM we were able to open the check security history option (We downloaded from the offical site so I don't think this is anything to do with it)


He also did a full system scan on the 8/05/2014 and it only turned up tracking cookies.


The computer was acting strange it wasn't loading into Windows 8.0 properly.


If you have any suggestions on what to do here please post!


Hi AudiA1,


Is there any reason your brother has not upgraded to version  Also perhaps updated to Win 8.1??


Have you tried the Support > Get Support route yet?



Any suggestion to run the NRnRT will upgrade his system to, so if he doesn't want the upgrade, that option is out of the question. 

Hi yank thanks for the response
I’m not sure why he hasn’t updated his Norton version and we are both planning on doing the Win 8.1 update very soon.

My brother got in contact with Norton on line chat and is now getting them to reinstall a new version of Norton and it should be sorted.

I’m still curious to why the computer didn’t load into Windows properly but maybe that’s computer weirdness.

I’ll get back when it’s fully fixed up.

Thanks a lot yank!

Hi yank
The kind representative from Norton managed to fix the problem! And my brother now has the newest version of Norton

Thanks a lot for the help!!

Glad it’s all sorted.