Norton cause the blue screen of death

Norton causes a blue screen of death. when I disable it it doesn’t happen. I believe the culprit is data protection, which causes crashes of ntoskrnl.exe. anyone had this issue. it happened when I processed multiple photos.

These are the details of my latest window crash :

081824-38046-01.dmp 8/18/2024 2:26:24 AM IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x0000000a 0000000000000023 0000000000000002 0000000000000000 fffff8034ee5a7e5 ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+415cb0 x64 ntoskrnl.exe+415cb0 C:\Windows\Minidump\081824-38046-01.dmp 32 15 22621 6,526,552 8/18/2024 2:28:10 AM

this is another crash : 081524-8437-01.dmp 8/15/2024 9:37:32 PM 0x00000101 0000000000000006 0000000000000000 ffffe101feca2180 0000000000000004 ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+415cb0 x64 ntoskrnl.exe+415cb0 C:\Windows\Minidump\081524-8437-01.dmp 32 15 22621 6,661,832 8/15/2024 9:38:22 PM

Product & version number: Deluxe 260

OS details: Win 11

Hello Marwan. Right away I have to ask is Windows 11 fully up to date? What is your Windows 11 version and build? Also what is the version of your Norton 360 product? And last, is there any other antiviral software installed such as, pre-installed when new?

The error you are seeing with the BSOD is driver and memory related. Please review the below article for a possible resolution.


Hi, thank you for replying.

I am up to date with both Norton and Windows. (I am not using any beta updates.) This error is definitely related to Norton. I was processing a large number of photos in a folder protected by Norton Data Protection. It crashed twice (same photos and same software ACDSee). When I disable Norton, the process went without problem.

For some reason, Data Protector always says that it blocked a suspicious action by ACDSeeUltimate2024.exe. I have already excluded this file, yet it is still marked as a suspicious action. Norton should not crash the system under the pressure of multiple files processed by ACDSeeUltimate2024.exe.

Respectfully, did you exclude file with Data Protector => Process Exclusions?

FAQ: Norton Data Protector

Configure Data Protector to block malicious processes affecting your PC

fwiw ~ I lost all my Data Protector messages when old Community went Oops!

I understand that acdsee manages multiple files together which acts like malware. But if I excluded it Norton data protector should trust it and not give me an alert. Also, why does the data protector protect folder icon files? Moreover Probably when I process multiple files fast it causes a lot of stress on the data protector to display multiple alerts that cause Norton to crash memory

Note can’t upload any images to this post it gives an error : “Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post”

maybe, Data Protector is objecting to unsigned .tmp files?
fwiw ~ I’ve needed to disable Data Protector to install known safe program. Data Protector objected to unsigned .tmp files created by the known safe installer.