Norton ConnectSafe DNS is down

Norton ConnectSafe DNS is down.  I can't even ping or  When is it going to be fixed?  Might have to stop using the service as it seems unreliable.

Norton ConnectSafe DNS is down.  I can't even ping or  When is it going to be fixed?  Might have to stop using the service as it seems unreliable.

Internet was super slow, couldn't ping them and couldn't ping etc..  Switch to google dns and it was working again.  Maybe they are never pingable?  can you ping them?  Could of been something else i suppose.

Not sure if the ping issue was resolved. Here is an older post on that


Mabe @KatieQ  can comment.





If it were down I might not be able to access much of anything

but I'm here :smileyhappy:

May have been a false alarm.  My issue is most likely with the cable company.  However, it seems strange and annoying that the ip addresses don't respond to pings.

Norton is aware that the DNS servers do not respond

That may be by design

Hi robert5050,


Thanks for the post.  Can you please let us know where you are located, are you in US and which state?





Michigan.  Seems like thinks are currently working fine expect the servers don't respond to ping.