Norton Continuous scanning Sortware Performance Issues

In the last 2 days I have had several issues with my Norton product. It is consuming 100% cpu and if left for several hours it will also consume all memory. I have an Intel i5 2430 2.4ghz processor and 6GB memory, so its quite a feat to consume all. I tried to investigate myself, opening task manager and the performance monitor, and identifying the process as NS.exe.

This process will use 100% cpu. Looking at the Disc operations I can see Ns.exe is scanning files on my disc, reviewing several times today I see it has scanned the same portions of my drives several times.I have noticed it is scanning continuously (24 hours per day) over files it has scanned already earlier that day.

I use my computer throughout the day, perhaps 14-16 hours per day for work and personal time. Issues present themselves shortly after starting the computer. On that basis I should be able to rule out "Idle" scans, as I am actively using my computer throughout. And I am not conducting scans manually or on schedule. Yet I can prove that it is conducting scans.

I have had two session with Notron Support remote assistance, who took control of my pc, they performed an install of a Deel level scanning tool which found no issues, and uninstalled my norton product and reinstalled it with a final reboot to apply changes. This resultes in a temporary resolution however behavior presented itself later that same evening.

As an additional note: I have installed no new software in the last 6 weeks, barring patches from Windows and Norton. Browsing activity has not been outside of usual and trusted sites. My second laptop, the battery normally lasts 2 hours is down to minutes and appears to have been permanently damaged, and my primary laptop which I quoted specs for earlier, is suffering overheating and emergency powers down without warning or saving data(immediate shut off). This is very serious issue. A CPU at 100% will most certainly overheat every time, the only question is when, and since norton appears stuck in a loop unbreaking in activity, it really is a case of when, not if it overheats. which will damage my cpu.

And if no resolution is forth coming, i will be buying competitor software. A customer cannot have physical hardware issues caused by software performance issues. I have been a loyal customer for at least 8 years, considering ourselves a "norton household", if my account is reviewed you will find 5 subscriptings in the last 5 years and thats only because subscriptions were not tracked online in this manner previous.




Please offer me a resolution. Norton Chat support did not resolve. My very serious issues persist.