Norton displaying wrong icon (taskbar little icon)

Hello folks,


I'm sorry to bother you something like this but I'm a HUGE paranoid about my PC security

and I have to ask this, forgive me.


I'm using Norton 360 for very long time and I have no serious problems with it. Today I open

my Computer, come to desktop and N360 say "your vırus definitions is old, your PC is 

vunlreble" this is a very normal warning that I mostly get when my update is old. 

(I disabled auto-update because of CPU hang and keep updating every ten minute while

I play games) so I updated it done but my Norton 360 still shows wrong warning icon on

his icon. Well I mean normally green OK icon shows always when there's no problem,

but now norton keep displaying orange warning little icon which is wrong because I already

updated my definitions..


Again, I'm sorry to open a thread for this, but I want to make sure everything is okay..

there's something I can do to fix this? I updated almost ten times right now and stil same icon


my Norton files is corrupted or something? because thing like this never happened before.


thanks in advance and forgive me for something like this


EDIT: I'm using Win7 64 bit