I belong to an online forum for slot car collectors. About 1-2 years ago I suddenly had a problem viewing potos from 1 certain member. They would appear to me as red X's. Other members had no problem viewing them. They were Photobucket photos. After a lot of searching I found a link online with instructions on how to allow them by changing something / allowing the web location in my Norton DNS. Alls well now with that guys pics, but I'll be dinged if it isn't happening again with another guy's pics. I can still see the pics of the once troubled source, others can see this new problem group of pics, I can see my own Photobucket pics and other people's pics... but I can't see this new batch. All I see are red X's. Well... I lost the instructions on how to allow them in my DNS in order to fix the problem. Can anyone help me with this Norton DNS / Photobucket problem. I can't remember the procss. Thanks in advance. tjd
btw... Not dirty pics... just vintage toy cars!!!