Norton DNS , Firefox Address Bar Issue Host Not Found!

Essentially in all other browsers when you type something in the search bar like "Norton This Happens"

Look at the internet explorer screen-shot attached it searches google for the keyword Norton. This is using the top address bar not the google search engine. Check the screenshot for where i mean in firefox below. So when typing in firefox in the address bar instead of actually searching norton gives you an error , Norton DNS cant find this address instead of searching the search engine like the others it just breaks. Check the "firefox issue" screenshot below to get what i mean. SO how do i solve the issue and allow normal searching to resume because this is a real pain for me having to load google everytime instead of being able to just type a search into the address bar


thanks ryan.


Internet explorer no problem

IE No Problem.png


Firefox search bar



Firefox Issue

firefox issue.png


As you can see it works in all other browser part from firefox and thats the one i use :)
