I'm using paid version of Norton Backup together with Norton Security ( and additional disk space purchased.
I have 32GB available in online backup.
I need to use Norton Online Backup to backup my Google Drive files. Therefore, I choose backup set and include my Google Drive folder (C:\Users\marcu_000\Disk Google\) as an included folder into the backup. Besides this folder I also include the Documents (C:\Users\marcu_000\Documents\) folder and the Onedrive folder. See image 1. I'm following the official steps (https://support.norton.com/sp/cs/cz/norton-360/
All files from Documents and from Onedrive are backed up successfully. Files from Google Drive are NOT AT ALL visible in the preview of files to be backed up (see image 2). They are then therefore not backed up at all.
This is not influenced by the destination (result is the same when I want to backup to Online Backup or to C:\ drive).
If I chose to backup a single file from the Google Drive folder, it is still not visible for Norton.
As the Google Drive folder is visible for all other applications (file explorer, Windows, text editors, everything else...) and only Norton fails to include the files into the preview and into the backup, it is a bug in the Norton application.
I'm expecting information on how to fix this problem soon. Otherwise, I'm expecting a full refund of the Norton Backup solution, also I'm not going to use you in the future. Please also contact me via email.
I'm now using your competitor for both antivirus and backup.
I've given up on you after you being completely useless for 6 months and having to urge you seven times for such a basic thing.
Also I already wrote some negative reviews and convinced two friends to stop using you.
There is still no update!!! Additionally one month ago (!!!) I requested the online files to be purged, I have urged this request three times and I was always informed that the purge failed but this time it will be done in "24-48 hours". Never happened.
The available space is reported on two places, on one as 100% free, on one as 50% free but the trust is that the online space is not free and when trying to backup, it is reported to be 100% full.
The below image says 54% used.
The below image says 0% used
In your stupid company with dumb customer support unable to solve anything 24-48 hours probably means half a year!!!
I'm abandoning all your products and I'm telling all my friends and relatives to do the same.
You are the worst company I know and you deserve to go bancrupt.
It is lovely that you care so much about other people's feelings. Maybe you should care more about having a product that actually works.
I asked you something HALF A YEAR AGO, since then nothing at all has happened, only some "Level 3 technician is working on it". That is all you are able to say.
Another problem is that I requested purge of the online backup (because your app is completely broken and it prevents me from doing so). I did that on January 9th and since then NOTHING, NO REPLY at all.
So to sum it up:
1) your product is not working --> 6 months pass --> no solution, no communication, no reply
2) purge request --> 1 week passes --> no solution, no communication, no reply
Situation #1 should have never happened if your product is good. Situation #2 wouldn't have happened either but when it happened, it should take you a single click to solve it, not 10 days.
As a reminder, this community is a friendly environment. While I understand that product issues are frustrating and upsetting, please keep this community friendly and helpful. Everyone is here to help. Thanks.
SoulAsylum you are completely irrelevant and you do not understand written text or you didn't check my original topic.
Had you checked the topic, you will see that I of course have Google Drive folder on my computer.
Your screenshots are useless. You didn't check what my problem is and Norton is unable to solve it for over 6 months and is ignoring me.
Hello Marek H. Here is your solution First, NSBU WILL NOT backup Google Drive from a website. If you have the Google download and sync tool installed, download the contents of your Google Drive to your local hard drive. Mine is under C:\Users\my name\Google Drive.
Next I created a NEW backup set and named it "Google Drive Local", then added some files just for content and the 1 file downloaded from my Google Drive. I then looked at NSBU settings for "what" I wanted to include in the backup, selected "add folder" and pointed it to C:\Users\my name\Google Drive. I then ran backup and verified the contents, making sure Google Drive folder was there and it was. Please see my screenshots.
It has been two weeks already and you still haven't resolved this issue. You are still unable to tell me why Norton Backup cannot backup my Google Drive folder! Even though all other programs work with the folder flawlessly.
Are you able to offer me a refund for all Norton Backup and 360 products which I have purchased for this year?
Your product is absolutely unusable for me!!!
Also I've tried renaming Google Drive folder from "Disk Google" to "Google Drive" and then repeating the process. It did not help as the Google Drive folder is still NOT included in the backup! Norton is the only software that omits this folder this way. All other programs have no problems with this folder.
Also I'm able to choose the "Google Drive" folder in the backup set list as included. However, even though the folder is included, it does NOT show up in the "Preview" of files that will be backed up and it is not backed up.
I'm very disappointed by the lack of any support and any relevant replies. I need someone from Norton to solve this ASAP or I want to cancel all my memberships in all products because they are absolutely useless.
The folder that exists and is detected by Windows is C:\Users\marcu_000\Disk Google\
Folder C:\Users\marcu_000\Google Drive\ does not exist as you can see in the attached screenshot. Moreover, I cannot even input the path manually into the backup set folders! Because I'm forced to choose it from a dropdown list and when I do, it is added to the backup set but it is NOT backed up.
All other folders backup into Norton Backup without any problems, except Google Drive.
Also backuping the SAME folder (C:\Users\marcu_000\Disk Google\) to Microsoft Onedrive works without problem.
Therefore this is your bug.
Why is it taking so long to solve? Advice how to proceed.
You may have customized some locations and perhaps there is a difference due to language, but I think the default path should be: C:\Users\marcu_000\Google Drive\