Norton Family 4.9.5 for Android is now available!

Norton Family 4.9.5 is now available for Android customers. 

The below FAQs might address some common questions:

1. What's the version number?

Norton Family for Android

2. How can I receive this update?   

To receive the update, simply visit Norton Family parental control on Google Play

To verify if you have the latest version, click on Go to Norton Family > Menu > About.

3. What are the changes in this release?

  • App compatible with Android Q devices
  • Alert / Push notification for the new “Draw over other Apps” permission requested in child mode
  • Updated instructions through the permissions tamper email
  • Engineering enhancements & Bug Fixes

4. Where can I post my queries?

Post your queries on Norton Family forum board. Also, visit Norton Family FAQ page for more information.