Is there a way to remove the Norton Family icon from the top of my son's phone? My 15 year old does not want anicon of an adult and child holding hands being seen by his friends on his phone, and I don't blame him!
Hi pcheftara,
The product was designed to encourage discussion between parents and kids, also we wanted to make sure that the product couldn't be used against other adults without their knowledge. That's why the screen displays the icon on the phone indicating the user is being monitored.
I can see why the 15 year old and you feel this way. I'll pass your request to the team for their consideration.
I have to agree on this - the Icons and graphics really should be changed.
Norton Safety Minder is aimed at kids of all ages, yet its icon is a cutesy paw-print clearly geared at little ones. The popups also have cutesy-cartooony stuff that my 6-year old nephew likes.
This stuff makes my 2 teenagers feel like they are being treated like babies.
I get the point about discussing, and we do discuss this stuff with the kids. But at the end of the day, they keep seeing these silly cartoons, reinforcing the idea that they are being treated like babies.
EDIT: just want to make clear, I am talking about the Safety Minder component on Windows 7. I know the OP was talking about a phone version.
Thanks caa100 for the valuable feedback.