Hi - I am using Norton Family since year but moved away because the stability on HTC U11 was poor.
Now I am back in the hope it might be better now.
But what I personally still miss is the chance to push some apps out of the time restriction.
My child needs to take the bus when it is moving between school and home. If she ist playing around to much and is passing by the last bus she has no chance to use the app to search for the next one (only as an example). A different example woulde be eMail (for commnicating with us) or the phone app.
I really would hope to have the option to have one ore more apps still available even if the max. use time is over.
This is should be true for the global usage time per day (out of general daily schedule) and the max usage time per day (out of max allowed time to use).
Has anyone else the same need?
For me it would be very helpful to have such a feature.
We use Norton Family on Android devices such as HTC U11, S5 and S7.
Thanks in advance