Norton Family automatic time extensions

I use Norton Family on my son's Android (Samsung) device.  Neither the daily time limit nor the curfew (blocked hours) settings seem to work. Ostensibly my son sends a request for an extension and it gets granted automatically. I have the app on my phone but I dont see any alerts or notifications there (until after the fact) nor a way to grant the request or reject it.

This is basic functionality that is not working. Does anyone have suggestions?  Logging into the website is not a practical solution each time and definitely not when I don't get a notification anyway.

I use Microsoft Family Safety on the laptop and that works like its supposed to.


Thanks for reaching out to the forum.

From our analysis It looks like Draw over other apps permission has been tampered with in your child device, NF app requires this permission to show overlay screens on top of other apps during curfew. So, for the NF app to keep functioning as expected and avoid further tampering by your child, we recommend you block the Settings app using App supervision.

App supervision help document is available here -

And regarding the time extension approval issue, there is no auto-approval for the time extension. From our analysis, we could see that time extension requests have been approved and we have sent more details about that in a private note to you.


Norton Family Team