Norton Family for iPod Touch and iPad

I've watched the forums for months now, and been waiting for your team to make an app that will monitor internet activity on the Apple devices (Such as iPod touch and iPad)

And it seems that since before August, the team has been working on it. PLEASE, give us a date or at least a beta version of the app. Cause It is REALLY needed!

I have the same question, and I'm a bit confused as to whether it exists or not.


This post announced it in May 2011


This message in September 2012 says "the program currently doesn't monitor the activities on ISO devices", whatever that means. (Is "ISO" a typo for "iOS", and if so what was releared in May 2011?).


And here it is in the Apple Store, claiming to work on iPad, with iOS 4.0 or later:


So I'm confused. Anyway my specific question is: is Online Family available for the ipad2? And does it work (there are reports of crashing at that Apple link). To be precise, this one: and it runs "Apple iOS 5"

Oh I see. There is no monitoring of ipad activity. All this app does is let you view the online family statistics from your ipad.


In that case, there is a great big "ME TOO" for wanting an app which monitors ipod/ipad activity.


Currently our iOS app is only a parent viewing app and does not contain any child monitoring. We are researching into this currently to see what we can do to protect children on the iOS devices. Thank you for your feedback.




I'm actually pretty ticked, I've been fighting with this all day and trying to get my daughter's iPod added as a device.  I know I read that iOS was supported, but it sounds like that's just monitoring.  Which is not made clear on the information I read before purchasing.


I would NOT have purchased if it was made clear that there is no child monitoring on iDevices at this time.