Norton Family iOS 1.4.2 Has Been Released

The Norton Family team has released Norton Family iOS 1.4.2.  This update includes minor code enhancements and bug fixes.  To find if you have the latest version, please open Norton Family iOS app on child’s device, click on the child's avatar or photo on the top right-hand corner -> About Norton Family.

The Norton Family iOS child monitoring app includes the following 4 features:

  1. Web supervision
    • Lets your children explore the Web freely, while keeping you in the know about which sites they visit and giving you tools to help them avoid unsuitable content.
  2. Search supervision
    • Shows you the words, terms and phrases your children search for, giving you insights into their interests and helping you keep them safe from inappropriate content.
    • Supports Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and YouTube
  3. Location supervision (premier feature)
    • Keeps you in the loop about where your children are by letting you map the location of their device.
  4. Video supervision (premier feature)
    • Allows you to monitor the YouTube videos your children are watching on their iOS device, even letting you view a snippet of each video, so you know when you need to talk.

Important to note:  

  • The iOS child-monitoring app is to be used as the child’s browser on their Apple device. All other browsers should be disabled to ensure that your child’s activity is monitored and that private/incognito mode cannot be used.
  • Only available in the US, UK, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Hong Kong (English and Traditional Chinese) and Indonesia (English) App Store.
  • The app supports for iOS 9 and iOS10 and is no longer compatible with iOS 8.

You can download the free app at

Please visit Norton Family forum board to post your queries and for more info please see Norton Family Knowledge base articles.


The Norton Family Team