I have installed Norton Family on my daughter's android device. However, it doesn't monitor or log messages. When I select "Only monitor" option, it blocks all incoming and outgoing messages. I don't see friends list as well. Just wondering if norton family works in canada.
Can you please go to the Messaging Settings page online and turn Off Messaging Supervision first, then Save it. Then turn On Messaging Supervision and Save it again to see if it helps?
I changed the messaging setting as requested but didn't help.
I don't want to block any message but just monitor them. However, when I checked monitored option in the messaging setting, it just block the incoming message. Also, I don't see friends list from my daughter's android phone so that I allow or block them.
You mentioned "..it blocks all incoming and outgoing messages..." in your first post, and "...it just block the incoming message..." in your latest post.
Do all incoming and outgoing messages not get logged or just the incoming message?
Please send us your Norton Family account email address by private message on the forum.