I am contacting you to report that my Norton family is not functioning properly. It fails to restrict my child from the use of the internet after the allotted time ends. It also allows continued use the device after it is locked.
The device is currently locked and he is actually online right now.
In addition to this the text logs are inconsistent even though the children both use the text messaging on the device. When I compare what is logged in Norton family to the usage via the phone company I may see ten messages whereas Norton shows only two.
The same is true for web pages in web support.
The product still displays itself as locked and yet the child was able to send and receive texts, go online and access programs normally for the past two days.
Is the device your child is using Android or iOS? If Android, your child is more than likely rebooting the phone in "safe mode". This is a setting within Android itself and cannot be disabled.
The above steps are able to reactivate the phone lock mechanism and yet I have to keep repeating those steps every single night past the permitted usage hours.
Since the steps are in the setting, I suppose my child has found out from such forum to conveniently disable Norton Family every day?
If Norton is unable to prevent the child from turning off the app, this app would be worthless.
I am still having the same issues despite all of the solutions that you offered. The device does not lock. My child is able to text and access the web beyond the preset time limits. The logs are not accurate.
Please check the following settings in your child device
1. Settings > Advanced Settings > Accessibility > Norton Family Accessibility Service > ENABLE
2. Settings > Advanced Settings > Security > Apps with usage access > Norton Family > ENABLE
3. Settings->Apps->Select Norton Family->Tap on permissions->Make sure the following permissions are enabled
If issue still exists in child device, kindly share debug logs via private message.
Steps to share debug logs:
Open Norton Family app->Tap on profile picture in top left corner
Select the last option ‘Contact Us’ from the menu
Enable Debug logs
Reproduce the issue
Open Norton Family app->Navigate to 'Contact Us'->Tap on 'Send Email'->Select an email client app(e.g. Gmail)
Enter my email address in the 'To' field (logs will be auto-attached) and send it.
Today, Norton Family app monitors only SMS conversation and MMS is not tracked at this moment . Please check whether the missing messages in activity are MMS related.